October 26th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all.Did tire flipping, and a light chest workout.
Breakfast was 4 egg omlete peppers onions and lots a pepper, banana n grapes,coffee water.Lunch will be two roast beef and Swiss, lettuce, tomato,red onion,protein shake,water.Not sure about dinner, probably steak rice and a salad.hard boiled eggs in between meals instead of a protein shake today.I am grateful for my family,my job,and all the things I have in my life.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
This 10 ius has me in fog sleep is deep as fuck like the dreams are super clear and crazy chciken and rice maybe do chest today so I can do legs tomorrow and jot day of party
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Last night I had two hotdogs immediately after training (mistake). It didn’t set well in my belly all evening so I didn’t get a pre-sleep small carb meal and woke up hypoglycemic at the alarm. Got to work twitchy… stuffed usual 1/3 cup trail mix… protein bar and ate a fun size candy bar. Felt like azz for hours…
I’ll do gym regualar days. I decided I’m
Grateful for not being ghosted even if the answer wasn’t what I wanted. Even more grateful that I think I can over come reasoning and the final answer will be out off for awhile.
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