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SB Labs

October 8th just checking in


Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.ive been really busy lately
Went from no work,to telling a customer we cant paint cause we got to much work.i made a friend,that has a vagina…i also acquired my daughters friend guinea pig,their pretty entertaining,she comes when you call her and is very vocal when shes,happy,hungry,mad etc… anyways no gym for days,and i been eating like shit,spaghettos for lunch and shit,but lifes short deaths long,so whatever.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Not much on this end. Working today surgery tomorrow. Had a chicken Parm sub for lunch and have an Italian for later. Had 2 eggs and toast for breakfast and a yogurt and almonds after. Skipping the gym
I know this is off topic, but where is the dno list located. Specifically, is Savage still good?