Ok so I can't wait until the newest 1 star review is done guess who wrote it lol

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Lol I would love to be a crybaby dictator lol but I don’t have it in me to torture and kill. Beat isn’t an issue but im not a sociopath lol so I don’t believe that I could pull it off
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I just went back and reread his post. Who’s being the crybaby. Haha that dude tee’d up high so much stuff that i let go. I could of been capping on him every day. Haha

When you ban someone, can they still lurk here.
They can see but can’t log in or post

That’s exactly why I created this so he can see that he has a problem so do I but I don’t believe that my problem is as bad as his hatred towards life in general.
I honestly hope that he gets professional help from someone
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First off you can’t “cap” on anyone here especially not Sid as your IQ is much lower when it comes to subjects and debates and it’s shown allover here on this forum time and time again. I read the thread everyone is sensitive over and not once was anything mentioned of hate, or homophobia, if there was I would like to see a clean example of it. He said mentally ill people aren’t fit for service and people got offended, closed a thread wrongfully even though no rules were broken and that caused a reaction and rightfully so. He resigned from the army as an Officer, college graduate, to make even more money when he gets out without taking it up the ass for a career. Seems to me he is doing much better in life then 90% of the users on UGmuscle who can’t even make over 80k a year. Just dwelling in their basements with bum jobs taking drugs. Reading this post is amusing to me as I see a lot of smack talk done by people who have accomplished much less in life as well as talking when someone can’t reply is a low cowardly move. Grown adults in a forum who can’t even talk or even debate without getting offended yet you’ll break the law and use illegal substances. Just like Facebook, don’t agree with someone’s opinion so you censor rape them even though it doesn’t go against any rules. I would like everyone here to get a dictionary and look up the words hate, homophobia, and racism and show me in any of his posts where any of that was written, be my guest. Also, the only keyboard warriors I see are in this thread. No where in any of Sids post did he think or say he can beat someone. To make it even more funny pretty sure he has more experience in “combat” then you as well. Brown belt in BJJ and 5+ years boxing/Muai thai experience. So just because you “train” doesn’t mean others do not, thus saying you can mop someone is much easier said then done. With that mentality any credited martial arts gym would kick you out and you wouldn’t be welcome as a member. Again, the previous posts that were “flagged” or “removed” didn’t go against any rules they just offended sensitive people. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make it hate or racism. I’m pretty sure Sid didn’t like half the crap he read on here and he didn’t go censoring people or banning them. After all said and done, the real cowardly and low individuals are ones who bash others when they are gone without a voice. If that’s the way it is, I’m glad that makes you feel like a real man. No rules were even broken in this reply, so lets see how long it stays up without being wrongfully removed or banned.
True, we like the forum and respect the moderators who run it. Call it what you want, but if you don’t like it you don’t have to be here either
I’m rarely here due to that reason. Nothing here but babies and brown noses. Your nose reeks of it. Everyone seems to have a problem now but they didn’t in the past. All of a sudden the babies come out of the closet to brown nose and sniff.
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Cmon man. Go read rules 1&3.

Your brothers homophobic posts have been deleted. Which is why they are unable to be viewed.

Your brother was repeatedly warned about the content of his log, and the disparaging remarks made about homosexuals in particular.

There are plenty of examples here of people disagreeing on a plethora of topics, and when it’s handled with respect nothing comes of it.

I understand your desire to defend your brother, and I applaud it. However, going on the offensive about annual salary earned, etc is just childish and pedantic.

Just take a step back. Your brother was privately and publicly warned about multiple posts that were deleted. We encourage everyone to have their own opinions, but we don’t allow anyone to forcibly or disrespectfully share that opinion with you.
If going on about annual salary earned is childish then how come you don’t say the same to others who are brown nosing, being keyboard warriors, or talking a whole lot of shit about someone who can’t even reply? To me that seems childish. I’m sure he wasn’t banned over homosexual comments either it was something entirely different. Like I said, nobody had a problem when he was here posting, then all of a sudden him and Murph get into it and everyone comes out of the closet brown nosing and stuffing it like Kermit stuffed miss piggy, It is utterly embarrassing. Pretty sure most men can agree homophobia doesn’t even exist.
If you’re not going to listen to facts from a moderator about your brother’s behavior, you are not acting rationally. No progress will be made while having a discussion with an irrational person.

I would encourage other members to not engage. He’s looking for a fight. Logic and rationality will not prevail here.
Actually there was many on here that had a problem with him. We were all being polite. That dude did 2 cycles of aas to get to an 11th grade strength. He asked and said some of the stupidest crap I’ve heard in a long time.

Don’t talk about about education and salaries either. I won’t because that’s not the polite thing to do. But if you press the issue…I wouldn’t get off the porch for 80k a year.
Im right here if you’re looking for me

Bring the fucking pain but remember that your brother fucked up big time.

I could have done very bad things for him attacking me and I didn’t I just banned him and it was well deserved.
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