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SB Labs

Ok, so what’s for lunch today

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Military Vet
So for today’s fill of food porn we have , grilled chicken over mixed greens and wild rice.

7oz grilled chicken
2 oz rice
Huge bowl of all kinds of green leafy veggies
Oil an vinegar for dressing
If anyone has any meal prep questions or just want to share ideas please post them up

I forgot the photo. Told you I’m not that bright.
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I just ate 2 chicken sandwich,they weren’t breaded, on 2 rolls, letting, tomato red onion, little bit a ranch and a fuck load a water
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Maybe not PPj, definitely not better than a burger. Better than my boring salad
Burgers tonight are a option, but then again the kid has practice 530-7 so we might be lazy and order out thai
Usually date night for us but the wife hasn’t mentioned anything. Think my some works till 7:30 and he doesn’t drive yet
I’m training at 2 so this is my pre workout
Do g leg workout now. Deload just means lower weight not lower intensity for me pulled solo for first time sets of 10 405. I could see if I get comfortable i could. Some weight. Back feels better
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