SB Labs

OmniLabs Suspended From UGM. DO NOT ORDER

UPDATE: This HAS NOT BEEN SATISFIED. It came to my attention yesterday that Omni was wickring members/clients from here that he has sent the package and it was ok to order from him again, however he never did. He did contact the person and myself yesterday saying he wanted to be removed from the board and would give a refund to the person. He stated he would not be mailing the package but instead would provide a refund.

As of this time I checked with the person and No refund has been sent. I will update when the person shows me refund was actually made.
I very much appreciate that bro I really do and everybody else does also because we really try to work as hard as we can to make sure that everyone at UGM is safe and at a good place
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You guys all deserve the kudos! Ive never seen mods at any site that interact so positively with all members and are so welcoming and helpful! You guys truly set a new high standard and have created the best site ive ever been part of :metal:t2:
I hope that he gets back I hate seeing this. It really upsets me that we really put in work to verify and then things like this happen. I guess its bound to happen but im going to need to tighten up and keep a closer eye on the VERIFIED SRC tags.
We might have to make some changes
Hes not @Bigmurph. He told people he shipped the Raws which he didn’t. He said last Sunday he would refund money via bitcoin still nothing and now won’t reply to messages. Scum bag
Yeah thats really bad because you know how serious I take verified src tags. I believe that the verified src tags are going to change.
I need to talk with you and the rest of the staff about a new idea I have. Everyone sources and members there are changes coming.
I will hit you up this weekend @PHD @Fitraver
I want to discuss a new idea I have and of course I value all your opinions.
I will also be in contact with a couple of our @Sponsors
@VIP members I will be intouch with you also im thinking about making a big change I will keep everyone updated.
Thanks for your help with this

@TrenGod I just wanted to tag you in on this. Im going to hit you up later also but im going to get a few different opinions from everyone first.

I will keep this community safe it is extremely important to me. This will not keep happening and im going to make sure that the community is always the best no less.
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@Bigmurph I just have a few curious questions.
  1. After what this source has done based on the information you had when you posted this why would you even consider allowing to source to return?
  2. I have no information concerning your verification process but if it as intensive as you believe wouldn’t allowing them to return be placing members in double jeopardy?
Thank you for increased diligence in keeping an eye on our verified sources.
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He was never allowed back in he was private messaging members from another email or contact saying he could take orders that he took care of the issue. It was brought to @TG attention and that’s why he made his comment that they are still banned.
@PHD My questions were in response to @Bigmurph statement-

“I hope that he gets back I hate seeing this.”

He posted this, I believe at that time, based on the information he had and you clarified in a later reply. I wanted to know why he felt that way when he posted it.
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As PHD said. Hes not coming back on here. A few reports came in that hes using another messenger to tell members/customers hes gotten from here, that he mailed the package and everything is caught up and ok. Thats a downright lie and one of numerous lies hes been saying.
SemperFi said:
“I hope that he gets back I hate seeing this.”
Sorry Im at work just saw this
I guess my wording could have been better.
I was trying to express how I hate seeing a src who has been around with us from almost the beginning do something like this.
I always use the phrase that this isn’t Amazon and things can go bad but I wish truly that everything could be made right. That time it seems has passed but if it were possible to make everything right that was wrong and be back to verified src it would make me feel alot better about the verification process.
This is something that will be discussed and changed soon you are a vip member and will be part of the discussion.

A better example is another verified src got behind and was able to get everything right and become verified again. This was a big win for the verification process. So we changed some of how we watch and keep up with things. We changed the way a member handles the situation so that it can be addressed quicker and hopefully rectified with a good outcome.

This is where things get tricky because at other forums ive seen srcs be named this one day and be named this a month later with a fresh start after leaving multiple members without there gear but returned as a new src.
This has been allowed elsewhere but I would never allow a src to do this quick flip I will call it here.
My main goal is truly to keep the community safe. As we grow and time goes on we will sometimes have to change things that worked before but now might not be working so well anymore and I do try to keep up with it but honestly its hard.
This weekend I will start a thread in the VIP category and I will discuss some ideas with you and other vip members. Hopefully we can learn and implement a better and stronger process.