Once again,good morning motherfuckers!

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Staff member
So for breakfast,I’m having,omlete,cheese,hot sauce,2 yogurts, banana vanilla protein shake water.i did pecs,wide pushups and used the bands to do the same motion as the pec deck.Slept ok,wasnt great but it coulda been worse.My dreams havent been that pleasant lately,but their outta my control.I appreciate everyone who participates on these threads, and all the other threads.
Lunchtime here. Will have to do shoulders later.

Busy day today so had to order out.
Love this post in the morning gives me grub ideas. I’ll really have to try that Samo samo. Lol I’ve been fixing my cabs I’ve had 4 break down in the last two days it’s a little stressful but I’m grateful I get to do this shit and it allows mee a free time to spend with my kids and I don’t have no one breathing down my neck telling me what to do except for the ole lady hahahah
Yeah some of the big guy guys you see are eating the same plain shit every day but you got to be strict. I’ve been adhering to a strict diet for health reasons and it’s pretty amazing the power of the choice of food has on our body.
Hahaha I do enough whining about it… I should be getting paid! Hahaha
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