One of the hardest things I have ever had to do

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So 9 days shy of her 18th birthday which was the 29th of July, my little pup Bella Mia took a turn for the worst. She was throwing up blood and blood in her stool. So I took her to the vet and had to put her down. I cried more about this 3.8 pound dog than some of my own people that passed. I still cry sometimes when think about this little dog. She was sassy. Loved to lick. And always by my side at my desk while working from home. I miss that little pup.

@TBU , I know what that is like. I got a shorthair when I was in High School, hunted her every year even though the pheasant population around here was garbage in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. She lived to be 15, I came home from work one day and she had had a stroke sometime during the day. I cried like a little girl when I took her to the vet and had her put down, more than I’d ever seen my own daughters even cry.
She was fine. Then like a switch, went downhill fast. I wasn’t ready for it. I still get choked up thinking about it. Thank you for the kind words. I love my dogs more than people. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Yeah bro. I understand completely. I had my Belgian mal which was a mwd. I completely lost it for days when he passed away. I have his ashes and his ball to be buried with me when I die and I have his tattoo on my six.
Very sorry for your loss. My nearly 13-year old Westie recently had to have his gallbladder removed, and it was dicey. That really roiled me. He’s ok now, but I know the days are numbered.
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Fuck. I’m so sorry to hear this. You’ve mentioned how much she meant to you on numerous occasions. I’m so sorry @TBU
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I know that pain. It’s terrible. Had to do it back in October
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I feel you boss my wife had one when we met. That dog hated me and would poop right beside my work boots when I took them off we eventually tolerated each other. One day had a pit snatch her off runner I ran outside and beat the dog with a softball bat till it let go I had to rush her to vet had big ass hole in her head I felt so bad cause I put her on that runner she would just look up at me like what the fuqk? She ended up getting cancer in pancreas. I took her by McDonald’s and got her two cheeseburgers an order of nuggets and fries and let her pig out. I will never forget that because the same day when I was thinking life sucks and couldn’t get any worse my son had a seizure on bed that night and quit breathing. Even though I am a firefighter, I could not think of what to do. Scared shit out of me. My boy loved her too and she hated him. He thought she was giving him love when he tried to pet her and she would bite him and growl

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