Opinions on this guy?

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So I’ve been following this guy since someone on here mentioned him. Never bought his membership thing. Thought about it tho cause some of the stuff he says makes me curious. I’m pretty sure what he says in a lot of stuff tho is why cycle on and off and just go for a long period at a time. He talk alot about other things as well but This is one that always gets me curious. Idk tho nothing I would ever do Personally, cause i believe this is a marathon not a race, and patience is a virtue especially with hard work. And I don’t get paid to do this and enjoy my life and want to take care of my body. I feeel like this would be very taxing on you’re body. But im bored and was wondering what your guys opinions on this is??
No opinion either way…

I read decades ago that there’s been no long term mega study on aas usage. There’s plenty of candidates but there’s such a stigma attached that no one likes talking about except on these sites and in private.

There’s been 10’s of thousands bb pros and powerlifters on massive doses and more on more mild doses. If there was ever a study then maybe there could be a little more certainty.
I don’t think you should limit yourself to just 8 weeks if everything looks good, continue and titrate up dosages accordingly but once health is a limitation and becomes a prominent factor it should be reaching an end so you can recover. If that makes sense I can’t imagine tunni g a cycle for 1.5 years lol
Yeah I was just curious on others opinions and thoughts. Plus I’m bored and figured I’d start a convo about something interesting lol
Yeah but I was just curious if him talking about running a cycle that long. And not stopping for a break
He’s literally the marathon not a sprint guy. 20 years not 20 weeks.

I agree with him. I am a member of the masterclass. He is saying low dose as possible starting. Work your way up until you find the highest dose with no ancillary. And eat big on that dose. No orals. No test derivatives- when things slow down add a growth promoter at an actual reasonable dose.

I believe this is safer and less harm in the body than 500mg for 12 weeks. Stop. Wreck your hormones. Lose gains. Attempt to restart hpta, stress the body. Do it again.
Yeah I like how he talks. It’s def intrigued me. I’ve just never seen it before. But I’m glad you chimed in! You always have sound advice and words of wisdom
Hmm well if your signed up for his stuff I might actually pull the trigger and sign up. I like to learn
Also that’s what made me curious cause it does make since. Why start and stop and stress your body
I also would say don’t make an assessment on anything until you have a full picture. If you want to know, join his class. I’m not repping for him or anything like that. The man works hard to provide a service of information. All you have ever heard is 12-16 weeks etc. so it sounds shocking. But your cycle length is bro science based on cramming toxic orals and extremely oxidizing injectable’s into a short run, And not much else.
Yeah I’ll probably def be joining now. And that’s why I posted on here I was just curious and figured I could learn something if someone knew something I didn’t. Then you came along and now I’m even more interested lol
He’s not the norm. But he accepts that. Owns that. Welcomes reasonable conversations, and is always welcome to discuss any topic provided you have data to back up your claim. I can’t ask for much more than that.
Agreed! I’ve been following him for a bit now and it always get me thinking. I’ll probably def be signing up now tho. Just to learn some more. I appreciate you passing along your knowledge and advice :pray:t2:
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I’m “that guy”… only been “off” once since mid 20’s and that was for a few years in my late 30’s. I always had a healthy respect for the stuff where as I wouldn’t take insane amounts and would immediately pull the plug if something wasn’t going according to hoyle.
Love this topic! Victor Black is one of the good guys for sure, and this is one of the bits about him that I really like. This comes with a big but attached.

But, You have to keep in mind who this advice is targeted towards. This is for the people that have decided, to put it crudely, to blast and cruise for life. They are committed 100% to their goal. Their definition of a cycle isn’t like most bros out there where you run the 12-18 weeks and come off. Theirs is you run a higher dose for 16-20 weeks and then run a maintenance dose. You don’t ever “come off” again. This is the price you pay.

Another big but: this is also probably assuming your bio markers are good. There are very good reasons to run a low dose. But not a lot of good reasons to come off unless you’re one of those folks who wants to prioritize fertility over gains.

On that last point, those people are looked at with outright distain in the TeamEvilGSP community I’m involved in. Broderick will straight up refuse to work with you if this is a major concern for a coachee.
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