SB Labs

People keep treating me more differently

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People suck @Rusty And it would piss me off to.But in a situation like that,it’s best to play along,A little bit atleast,you don’t got to be all chummy with them,but don’t be a prick and make the situation shitty cause kids are involved.
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Haha I’m going to. I usually say it’s just my face. It is what it is. But I like war face better.
And I think I’ve said this before,about people situations,but in my mind,if I think can fuck you up,I’ll picture it,and that helps me deal with dumb people
I do that all the time. Just comes naturally. Weird! @NeuroRN i have actually started wearing xxl again. Just gone back to my fat shirts lol. I feel more comfortable in them. I’m 245but not a “ripped 245. But it’s just comfy
My shoulders and neck are not all tight in a normal xxl is what I like. Polo has some nice xl shirts that fit well all the way around perfect cept now as shoulders get bigger they are pulling up and almost become belly shirts lol
This is a big part of the reason I chose to be a bodybuilder instead of powerlifting. In todays society it’s much more advantageous to be attractive/intimidating than it is to just be strong.
Everyone always calls the strong looking dudes when it comes to moving heavy stuff. I cannot tell you how many times I was roped into helping people move pianos in my twenties and early thirties.
Its a tossup… pianos…full rollaways…motorcycles …. Some heavy stuff.
Pianos are the worst cause they are always in the way of your feet. Have to baby step when moving those old uprights.
Of course it was from one very nice mansion to another so we couldn’t tear anything up!
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