PIP and higher dosed gear

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IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
Wanted to bring attention to PIP and higher dosed gear. I know we have a lot of new guys here that are young and doing gear for first time.

If you use higher dosed gear meaning anything higher than 300mg you can almost 9 times out of 10 bet your ass it’s going to have some PIP. It’s just how it is. No matter what brand you use most guys will get PIP. Some guys can get away with it and no problem at all.

I remember years ago I did some T400 from Denkal (people that been around the game a while will know this name lol). I did my first shot of it in my thigh. Holy mother fucking mother of Mary it hurt like hell the next day swelled up, fever around site and could barely walk. A week later it went down so my dumb ass says, well let’s do it in my shoulder. Fuck same thing. So from that point on I knew high dosed gear wasn’t for me.

One suggestion I do have is to try to micro dose it through the week and maybe mix EQ, deca, or even try NPP in it. Don’t mix it in the bottles. Draw up your desired amount of test then your desired amount of EQ, deca or NPP. For me I would do half n half. Sometimes mixing other gear in your syringe helps with PIP. I use to do this wirh Prop back in the day when all prop hurt like a mother fucker.

How this helps someone even if just 1 person. Have a great day fam and merry Christmas
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This is true and great information because we all know that alot of people hate to inject so they figure they can inject less with higher dosed gear and maybe it could be a little cheaper when you add up the mgs but just like you said the bad part about the higher doses is that you have to deal with that pip.
Makes sense, haven’t had to mix any in awhile, but I have and it did cut the pip down, but like most things in life, pain comes along with the benefits and rewards.
I remember Denkal T400! I’d been using Brovell Labs and Jelfa and Polfa stuff for so long that I was excited to try something new… I was not disappointed with the results, but not being able to sit or move my arms for a week at a time sucked!
I tried some “super test 550”. Yes. 550mg per ml. I was thinking. Great only have to pin 1ml twice a week to hit a gram. Well. That didn’t happen. Test flu. PIP for 10 days. And could hardly get around. Sitting on the shitter? Was almost impossible to do anything. Only time I thought of going to the doc. I threw that shit away. I can still get it. But I’m not that stupid…
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I was using some 500 mg ml gear and not only was the pip crazy I got cold like symptoms every time. Test flu I guess. So I no longer do above 300 mg ml
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I used to get pip almost all the time, until I started heating it with a heating pad before injection time. After that I never really noticed any pip and everything just goes a lot smoother even with gear dosed at 350mg/ml.
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Some people have different sensitivity. For example. I love Enanthate. I get ZERO PIP. Any time I use Cypionate, I get PIP. The difference is literally one carbon molecule… prop, ace. I’m getting pip for 4 days. Not everyone is the same. But shorter esters hurt. I was on TrenA and micro dosing. It was bearable. But I was thinking, if I did a ml every day, I’d be hemmed up and not able to do shit. 😂 that’s me. But I’m sure others have zero issues.
That’s crazy, I’m the the exact opposite, I get pip from enanthate and not cypionate. The pip from the enanthate is very mild and more than tolerable, but I literally cant tell when I pin cyp.
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