SB Labs

Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With Hormone Replacement

Poppy said:
Todays episode in “old man sweating his balls off in this humid southern weather in a non air conditioned gym” is

Standing ohp 95x 3

Add 2 bands x 3, 3, 3, 5…take bands off x some.

Lats single arm lat pull down ( thank you @JLee ) shoulders arms traps.

Had a steak n cheese sub in support of @John
Yo I used to workout in an non climate controlled gym too and lemmie tell ya I’m so goddamn lucky I only got heatstroke one time lmao
Todays grub

192g protein

176g carbs

One frosted blueberry biscuit put my carbs thru the roof. At least it was prior to squats.
Todays training…feeling motivated and extremely dangerous

Bench press warmup to 185 and add 2 chains (20lbs each) each set of one. Speed and explosiveness is focus. Worked up to 6 chains. Felt great.

Stripped down to 2 chains for 10 reps.

Close grip 185x 10… 135x 16 all reps very fast

Traps lats tris bis abs