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SB Labs

Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With TRT

It has taken me over a year of training my lats before I actually obtained a mind muscle connection to them. I still cannot work them properly with heavy weights.
When i say heavy. I meant as heavy as I could go while still maintaining the lat contraction.

I’m trying to transition out of total performance into aesthetics also.
Personally I just wanna be ginormous so not too worried about strength atm. That said at some point in the future I was wanting to try out Juggernaut AI because they have a strength block for bodybuilding.
I know you want to gynormous have you been vet been big musculaybib th e past cause It has to be in your genetics to get there no matter how much gear you run
This am bright and early. Body weight at 204.8. Abs went away… still purging the cake and frosting out of my body from the weekend.

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Seriously. Birds probably migrate for miles around to get that fur! Not busting your balls or anything but my malamute sheds his coat a couple times a year and my backyard looks like a Hitchcock movie!