SB Labs

Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With Hormone Replacement

Todays stuff so far

Started evil 8 and got thu the “3s” and had a biological emergency before I could get to the “2s”. Sooo when I got back from toilet i did a circuit of step ups, abs, neck, calves, more abs…x 4

Walked around the yard a couple of times.
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Todays grub

191g protein

120g carbs

Carbs are not accurate. They’re higher. I had a couple of cookies from a local bakery
I haven’t had lumpia in a few years. Since I retired.

There was a few guys with phillipino wives that would take orders and se11 them at the plant. We used to eat those things by the buckets.
Thank you sir.

As a barrister you’ll appreciate this… when we first obtained physical custody of the baby we hired a gunslinger lawyer in our area.

I made the statement in her office “I don’t care what it costs, just make this happen”.

Whewww. I was close to needing the defib when the bill came. Hahaha

BUT…that lady made that stuff happen quick fast and in a hurry to include getting us in front of the right judge. So it was all worth it.
I’m thinking it was closer to 20k but we live in a smaller community. I’m sure the hourly billing is nowhere near what others charge in big metro areas.