SB Labs


1 week on platinumtropin.

Zero negative sides.

Training feels good. Seems to be extra pump during training. A bit more (good) sore the next day or so after lifting.

Most importantly… my aching joints are not there anymore which is a different thing for about 10-15 years now.
Last week


Is it a motorized recliner couch? The matching recliner I’m in has the motors too and is very slow. That’s the joke around here… someone rings the doorbell and it takes forever to “decline” just so I can get out of the blasted chair. Hahaha
Do you want the gnomes? Wifey is a nic nac person and we have approximately 11 full truckloads of crap in the house.

I told her if she dies first I’m renting a dumpster…
Exactly! We have the couch and the theater love seat with motorized recliners and exact same, minus chair. Wife, myself and kids always joke about how it takes 5 minutes to get up from chair and we hate the damn things. I will NEVER buy motorized couches again and we can’t wait to get rid of the damn things, but they’re in too good of shape to just toss and buy new ones yet. 😂
No thank you! I hate clutter and we do bare minimum of some art pics on walls, TV’s mounted, and a few things here and there. Parents were pack rats and house looked like an antique flea market and does does her parents house.

Belt squats narrow stance 3 second eccentric 4 x 8

Single leg rear foot elevated 4 x 8

Abs neck calves

45 degrees back raise 1 x 10 very controlled/slow with stretch on bottom
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BBSQ5 said:
will NEVER buy motorized couches again
You ain’t fucking lying. Shit moves instant replay slow. I liked messing with the ole lady and turning my head and staring at her soon as I hit the button and the motor kicked on . Just stare as that damn thing slowly moved to sitting position