18 months, 9 bottles of TestC 9 blood test
TestC from UGL 40.00 Total 360…
Blood work plus estrogen panel 180.00 Total 1620.00
ADEX 50 count 70.00
Pins with syringe, pads and drawing needles 60.00
Cost you about 2110.00 on your own.
Now the nice thing is if you decide to blast, no big deal. And at a TRT facility they do blood every 2 months. So it’s kind hard to jump up for 12 weeks. Anyways, it depends on your goals. You want to stay at normal range I would say the TRT clinic is your best bet. If you were diagnosed with low T, your insurance should cover most blood work and doc visits. And depending on your insurance most of the cost of the prescription. But I am sure you are aware of that.