SB Labs

Pro and con of self medicating TRT

Remington 270 great for hunting.
Handgun I would recommend just going to your local range and rent a few to try and see what she likes best. I can give you my option on what to buy but it would be up to her to like what she is buying and using.
18 months, 9 bottles of TestC 9 blood test
TestC from UGL 40.00 Total 360…
Blood work plus estrogen panel 180.00 Total 1620.00
ADEX 50 count 70.00
Pins with syringe, pads and drawing needles 60.00
Cost you about 2110.00 on your own.
Now the nice thing is if you decide to blast, no big deal. And at a TRT facility they do blood every 2 months. So it’s kind hard to jump up for 12 weeks. Anyways, it depends on your goals. You want to stay at normal range I would say the TRT clinic is your best bet. If you were diagnosed with low T, your insurance should cover most blood work and doc visits. And depending on your insurance most of the cost of the prescription. But I am sure you are aware of that.
Ya and if you don’t remind TRT clinic them they forget to send it and your sitting there waiting 10 days without any test. At least mine is that way
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I can’t believe the prices I’m hearing, how does my dad get pellets in his glutes every few months and the test is released that way, and he pays not even a 8th of what I’m hearing here, what kind of insurance do you guys have
It’s horrible man. From the pharmacy it cost my dad $160 for a single 10ml vial of cyp. His trt won’t let him increase his dose… and he only wants him to pin once every 2 weeks. When he finally told me… I was like… ummmmm soooo dad. We should talk about a few things, honestly, and we can get this figured out way cheaper.
I get 10 ml test cyp 200 mg for $25. And armidex 100 pills for $100. I do get good pricing cause I buy a lot of stuff in advance and make big orders. I think I originally paid $10 more for each. Plus I get my 1.5 inch needles with syringes for 49cents each at Walgreens. If I got a script from my TRT doc for Syringes and needles I could get them at Walmart for 10 cents each but I always forget when I see him. I only use my doc anymore cause I paid for a year in advance for their services. Am gonna do it alone from now on cause I can get the gear here so inexpensive
Hahaha nvm. Those prices are glorious. Still not cool that they will forget to send out your test though.

Telehealth is like video and phone conferencing with docs
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100 3cc barrels with 25g 1” needles is 29 bucks. 1/2 inch 20 gauge 100 needles only 17 bucks at a medical supply store. There are others on line that are half the price but I know these a sharp and clean. You get some cheap shit from China for example it’s like hammering in to pin. Some people say “my skin is too tough now from pinning.” No, you bought some low budget shit and it’s dull as fuck. 😂. EXCEL is the brand I use and never had a problem sticking myself. And I’ve been pinning for 20+ years. 😁
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Excel is what we use about half the time in the ICU. you can get them online for quite cheap as you were saying.

The hospital had strict “expiration” policies on everything. Every now and then I’ll score some “expired by hospital standards” barrels and pins. Expired by my hospital standards is within a month of manufacture expiration. Those gems are always nice.
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If I had the capital I would start my own TRT clinic and have all kinds of special hormone therapies for side stuff like joints and bulks and cutting etc. For patients that I trust or friends etc. would be a lot of fun. Those places rip people off with some bullshit stuff. Like the HCG diet. They charge $,1000 give you a low dose of HCG daily and a 800 calorie per day diet you have to follow and some phen tabs. They probably have less than $100 invested. A people are suckers for it.
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I’ve been thinking a lot about this for several months. Especially the more I learn about the roles of hormones and the effects of their imbalances. I find it’s potentially a root cause for a significant amount of the chronic disease we see today.