SB Labs

Training Log: Bodybuilding with IBS

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This sounds like it may be the ticket! Right now the very thought of doing a deadlift or squat with a reasonable amount weight makes my joints hurt!

Do pop tarts help???
Hahaha! I was at work reading through another thread and started laughing at some of the pop tart comments! It’s been so long since I’ve had one but my girlfriend eats them every now and then and they smell amazing!

Someone here needs to develop a “pump tart”. A protein based pastry with additional anabolic properties, preferably non-liver toxic!
Haven’t been slacking - just slacking on posting.

I’m going to be gradually switching to a carnivore diet to see if that helps manage symptoms better. Really looking forward to seeing what happens.

Leg day:

15 mins of elliptical work as a warm up. (120 bpm heart rate)
  • Quad Extension/Hamstring curl super set. 5 sets
  • Standing hamstring curls. 5 sets
  • Squats. 4 sets
  • Donkey Kick Machine (Hamstring/Glutes). 4 sets
  • Standing Calf Raises. 4 sets
My next leg session this week will be more focused on quads. Trying to bring up my hams right now.
I hope it helps brother. Things are definitely better lately in terms of bloat and whatnot. That is never fun.

I was wondering, I’ve seen anavar prescribed for inflammatory bowel disorders. Do you think a low dose of Anavar might help with overall inflammation? Like 10 mg a day for a period of time?
My girls has ibs bad and I love gotten her into the gym again if that helps and she continues I could cut down my cat and give it to her
Hey bro. That sucks she deals with IBS; it can be quite the obstacle when things get bad. I’m trying to find some literature on Anavar - or any AAS for that matter - and what sort of therapeutic effects they might have for bowel disorders and inflammation.
It looks like women with Crohns and Ulcerative colitis have been successfully treated with oxandrolone, stanozolol, and nandrolone in conjunction with each other. Quite the anabolic elixir. Granted, these are IBD diseases, but severe IBS can be quite similar in symptoms
Tuesday’s workout: Back and Biceps
  • 20 mins cardio as a warmup
  • 5 sets of lat pull downs.
  • 4 sets Hammer Strength Isolateral front pull down
  • 4 sets of dumbbell rows
  • 4 sets lat pull down
  • 5 sets of straight bar curls
  • 4 sets of dumbbell hammer curls
  • 4 sets of concentration curls
Wednesday’s work out: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

  • 5 sets of incline dumbbell press
  • 4 sets of cable flys
  • 4 sets of dumbbell bench press
  • 5 sets of side lateral raises
  • 5 sets of rear delt raises
  • 4 sets of dumbbell press
  • 4 sets of cable tricep extensions
  • 4 sets of triceps push downs
  • 4 sets of dips
20 mins of cardio
Thursday: Leg day # 2
  • 10 mins warmup cardio
  • 5 sets Romanian deadlifts
  • 4 sets standing hamstring curl
  • 4 sets quad extensions
  • 4 sets isolated donkey kicks
  • 4 sets barbell lunges
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