SB Labs

Pro and con of self medicating TRT

I have been on TRT for seven months now, and at 280mg of Test Cyp per week, divided into two injections, along with 100mg of DHEA ED, and 100iu of HCG ED, I ended up with total test above 2000 and free test of 427. And I feel awesome. The test was measured the day after an injection, however, so that likely was peak, not trough. I repeated a week later at trough, and total test was 1200 and free was 276. Since then, I have moved to EOD injections and feel even better. I am 55 and so on lifetime cruise and expect to maintain at this level, subject to managing HCT and PSA levels. I also take 5-10 mg of Cialis each morning to manage BPH and BP.
I have seen micro dosing starting to become very popular and it does help and work plenty of real life experience posts with guys loving less side effects and getting off the roller coaster of hormones.
Eod is a great schedule nowadays guys are injecting multiple times a day.
Really interesting results there having leveling out there hormones.
Pros: Medically supervised, a great deal if your Physician doesn’t give you an inadequate doseage & Rx’s HCG. You get the proper labwork and the most overlooked is the PSA (Prostate specific antigen)
Cons: If you are self-pay look at quarterly bloodwork (about $200) and compounded Tcyp 200mg is about $120/10ml.
If you go thru insurance (see above). HCG cost me $80 for 10k iu paying myself and insurance companies often don’t cover it.
Doing it yourself? I wouldn’t do it if I did not have training as an RN and know what labs to get. Your basic labwork (especially lipid profile) along with a basic or comprehensive metabolic panel should come with your yearly physical. Unless you live in a shit state like New York (and others) you can order and pay for labwork like a testosterone panel, Estrogen, and PSA.
My issue is always low HDL. I raised it 25 points (and I wasn’t working out & eating shitty food) by taking about 8-10 high quality fish oil gelcaps/day. I used Kirkland (USP label) and there are better brands I’m sure. My MD could not believe that. If one is going it alone take shitloads of Omega 3’s and prostate protective supplements but if a person does not know what their baseline is, or as a family history I say pay out of pocket as long as you can afford it unless your insurance gives you a good HRT doc. Most aren’t.
In short there are RN’s here who know what their body needs, what it can handle, and what corners they can cut. That’s not to say I, or anyone else is smarter than anyone else, we’re just trained savants so to speak. We notice patterns and are resourceful and above all know how to improvise. Best in your endevours and just ASK questions and research.
To be clear- I’m not a savant. And nursing school did nothing to prepare me for hormone regulation and therapy.

If you could tell me where the savant RN training is, I’d be happy to report to class 😂😂 I know a few who would be happy to enroll.

All jokes aside, Optum hit the nail on the head earlier in this thread. But I’d like to reinforce something- UGM is a magnificent resource. Learn all you can for yourself. Buy books, read text books, learn from multiple sources. Then, if you decide to go to a doc- you know your shit. If you make the choice to do it yourself- you know your shit.

No one can tell you what to do, obviously under medical supervision is preferred. But either way I think you should constantly be learning what your body is doing.
Make sure you talk to a endocrinologist. A medical or family doctor really is “practicing” medicine. I was on TRT for YEARS and was all over the place hormone wise. I had to tell my doctor to check not only test levels but prolactin and estrogen. Know your body. Know what it takes to operate. A doc isn’t going to know your peak performance. As @NeuroRN said. Read. Read. Research. And read some more. And DO YOUR BLOODWORK. No guessing on what to take and if I should take IA or Caber. I’m telling you from experience, guessing does nothing but make it so much worse. 😉
Great advise guys, I have a lot to learn. Will continue to be a student of anabolics. I really like that part when you said
, " know your shit," can’t be said more simple than that. Thanks guys