Proviron - a few questions

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How many days/weeks/months out of the year do you guys run proviron?

Do you just use when on cycle or just when off cycle? Or both?

I’m thinking of running it just with test when I drop back down to TRT levels in a few weeks. Is it really even considered an AAS?

I’ve used it on cycle before and definitely noticed higher free T on my labs, so I’m thinking that it would be a perfect supplement to TRT. Unless it is an actual AAS of some form that is not going to allow my receptors to take a true break.
I think you will get a variety of answers here. I’m new to the proviron game, but I won’t run test without it again. I know some guys run 25mg with their TRT or cruise doses, and 50-100mg on cycle.
Agree - I use when on cycle 50 mgs daily. I have used it running my TRT protocol but I only ran it at 25 mgs daily/ every morning. It works but works better at 50 mgs and on cycle it supercharges it makes a world of difference - splitting doses am/pm. Just my two cents.
Are there any downsides to running it on a TRT “cruise”? Will my body still do what it needs to do to recuperate from the previous cycle? That’s really my only concern. I really don’t take enough time off as it is, so I want to make sure the time off counts and my body can bounce back. I’m sure the GH will help with that as well, it seems to help with everything lol
Great question- I can’t really answer that. But I typically cut all orals off when off cycle to let my body re coup but I have used before the leftover Proviron from a cycle and extended my proviron with my TRT protocol for about 8 weeks.
My wife has started training with me lately, and she’s taken anavar previously, and we’re really interested in getting her enhanced, just not sure how to go about it. The female hrt docs around here are outrageously expensive. I wish there was more info out there for women, because it’s so much riskier for them, with all of the possible side effects.
A book called chemical muscle enhancement is a good read and addresses women and their dosage in most of the compounds they cover.

From what I’ve read women will used low dose proviron and Nolvadex to dry out some. Most HRT articles I’ve read are split on women and proviron, if she’s looking to enhance I would say treat it like any other female compound and start very low. Increase very slow. This is all coming from what I have read and not first hand experience in coaching women or being a woman. 😂😂

I have heard it’s good for libido and will help lean out the legs and lower belly.
That sponsor has a good lineup of female dosed products. Var and winny at 2.5. Primo ace and proviron at 5. I wish more folks dosed at 2.5 mg for women. My wife loves 5 of var but it’s so hard to split the actual pill without making it crumble.
I use it on cycle, use to be 50mg, 100mg while on deca, I liked the 100mg so much on deca, that I’m sticking with a 100, in some cases you hear about “diminishing returns” if running something to high, but not with proviron, not for me anyways. So now I’m running 750 test a week 100mg proviron, it does have slight AI capability’s so with this simple cycle I need no AI.
Proviron has been part of my life since entering the world of compounds. Ive ran it on Npp and Deca like @John has mentioned. My dosage was 50mg ed. My mood is always upbeat while on it. Currently running it at 25mg ed with Primo/Test. Even run it while cruising at 25mg ed. Good luck. It has been a great addition to any cycle I’ve ran.
I have some mast on hand. Was going to finish my cycle with it, but proviron seems to thin my hair so I’m hesitant to try mast now. We can’t all pull off the shaved head as well as you.
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