SB Labs

Pulsing orals adrol is popular 2 on 2 off what about others?

To me that most important listen to your body then secondly your bloodwork I wish unwound have had took those words seriously when I was younger could have saved myself a lot of issues have only took tbol once but I did enjoy the gains without the bp issues course back then I didn’t have bp issues
What ever you do have fun and make it enjoyable for you
You could find out in months maybe never this is what ugmuscle is all about bouncing ideas off others. I even need help and everyones support.
It takes me awhile to plan a run because my runs are 20wks long big bulk than usually a primo run for as long as I can my last run lasted 2yrs I’ve been off now for months but im looking at setting some goals and going for it
Party like a ROCKSTAR
F*ck like a PORNSTAR
Lift like a MONSTAR
That plus about 10-15lbs of lean mass
Is a solid goal for my next run.

I could though flip the whole thing around and just cruise test cyp 200mg a week with proviron and just cut with ECA stack and just lean out.
I don’t enjoy not eating but you gotta do what you gotta do to get to your goal