Recent labs I got the total labs every thing else was in range

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Hell I’m going on 42 I know it’s trt time my doctor knows exactly what I’m doing except the proviron obviously so by the time my stash runs out I’ll probably just get a script
If I were doing a self managed trt protocol I would start with 80-100mg Monday. 80-100mg Thursday. Do this for 3-4 weeks and then get labs drawn Thursday morning before my pin. And go from there. As I stated very few people need above 250mg a week for trt. The goal is normal physiological levels, not above.

Your levels reflect the normal 7 day drop in test levels from 1 day a week pinning.
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The one I had to ban liked to say a lot of shit he wasnt exactly right about lol. Just ask @PHD

HCG in trt therapy is split on yes or no. The deciding issue is primarily whether or not to retain function for kids. But it doesnt always work and quite honestly you dont need it. I did crazy cycles for over 20 years with the understanding from US fertility docs that I was shut down and could not have kids. In my 40s now with a baby after seeing proper doctors that understood the basics and were not paid to push a product.
I agree with @NeuroRN

Pin 80-100 mg twice a week. There’s suggestions backed by great sources/studies that say 250ish a week is plenty. Pinning every 3rd day is suggested also… it keeps me level perfectly. Zero sides.

I personally pin 125 e3d and felt perfect. I upped to 200 e3d and felt like crap. I take 50 prov a day split. I’m back to 125. Probably never up again

Some folks like the same days a week. I prefer e3day. Set reminder on calendar.

Of course everyone’s different. You got to play around a bit but either way I would suggest busting that dose into twice a week. That’ll keep the peaks and valleys flatter.

My 2c
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