Religion...somthin' to think about

Moderation is perhaps the governing concept for a Christian view of bodybuilding/weightlifting. First Timothy 4:8 teaches, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (emphasis added). Physical fitness is important, and as this verse states, it does have some value. We are physical and spiritual beings, and the condition of the physical body undeniably can impact the spirituality of a person. Surely part of “glorifying God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:20) is keeping it in reasonably good physical condition. Bodybuilding can definitely be a part of a Christian’s physical fitness program.

At the same time, as with many things in this life, bodybuilding, if taken to the extreme, can become an idol. Eventually, a point is reached where there is no true value in adding more muscle. Bodybuilding/weightlifting can become an addiction and/or obsession. While this is much more often an issue with men, it can be an issue for women as well. Striving for bigger and stronger muscles, taken to the extreme, is nothing but vanity (1 Samuel 16:7; Ecclesiastes 1:2; 1 Peter 3:4). Once we allow our physical appearance to become more important than our relationship with God, it has become an idol (1 John 5:21).

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). The key question is does bodybuilding/weightlifting glorify God? If it is done to increase fitness, strength, and tone, and thereby health, yes, it can be done for God’s glory. If it is done out of vanity and pride, or from an unhealthy obsession with getting bigger and stronger, no, it does not glorify God. How should a Christian view bodybuilding? “‘Everything is permissible for me’—but not everything is beneficial. “‘Everything is permissible for me’—but I will not be mastered by anything. . . . ‘Everything is permissible’—but not everything is constructive” (1 Corinthians 6:12; 10:23).
DISCIPLINE, COMMITMENT are concepts that athleticism, specially competition will teach you well…During my 8 years walking with the Lord i have seen brothers and sisters being delivered from drug-addiction, alcoholism, , and a few other conditions. As they come in the homes it seems like they replace one addiction for another…as they work on all this situations they become physically lazy and the addiction for food in churches and ministries is alarming…brothers and sisters, home directors, field leaders, overseers , co-pastors and pastors and their wives will talk about the work of the FLESH and evil attacks and they will never stop eating, eating and eating…specially after Sunday service. The Pastor will stand behind the pulpit talking about the fruits of the spirits (self-control is the last one mention in the bible), with a belly sticking out 10 inches farther out than the belt buckle . One thing churches never do is preach on gluttony,the congregation gets offended. so as i mention at the beginning discipline and commitment is a great part of sports specially bbuilding because of the necessary proper nutrition. Personally i have found in this 2 elements a basic and essential part of ministry life
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Once the game clock goes to zero, it’s a great time for gratitude.

We need to develop the life habit of thanking God for everything that He allows into our life and story. I thank God for at least one specific blessing that took place in my strength training for that day. If I can’t think of one, recount them all. And being disappointed and hurting because of a poor workout is not ungodly—it is quite human.

Athletic competition is a very human endeavor. There is training, striving and becoming—both on the field and off. For the Christian athlete prayer is a practice of the presence of God in relationship in the midst of all things.
I’m an atheist I would never disrespect someone for their religious beliefs. Unless they try to force his beliefs unto others.
I’ve been on the receiving end have some disrespect from Christians for my lack of belief, but that does not bother me. The internet will have you getting disrespected for anything. Hahaha.
When I was younger I was raised Christian and slowly those beliefs faded away.
I can understand how people believe, especially since I was once a Believer myself.

I find it odd that some Christians don’t think I can have a moral compass without a deity to hold me accountable.
I think I evolved to have empathy for my fellow man, and to be a good person. I think as we lived in tribes of hunter-gatherers that we learned to look after our fellow man.
From the outside looking in I can see Christianity and religion in general being used for lots of good things as well as lots of terrible things. It looks like my brother is here are on the good side. Cheers
I’m sure glad to to see fellow Christians on here. I’ve been saved for about 20 plus years now. I credit the Lord with everything I have and everything that I am today.