Ronnie Coleman may not walk again


Staff member
So as everyone knows Ronnie Coleman has had numerous back surgeries in recent years. Now hes said this is in an interview.

“I don’t know if that’ll [Walk] ever happen because I’ve had too much damage done to my body from all these surgeries a lot of it has to do with the way the surgeon performed the surgery and the surgeon that I’ve had the last three surgeries been really bad and caused a lot of damage to my body so I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk….

but I’m gonna give it my best shot but I think if that surgeon had to perform these surgeries right then I would have been walking a long long time ago!”

“Just the way he [Surgoen] did everything and performed everything it was like he was kind of doing these surgeries to make money…”

“Every surgery I’ve had done was like $300,000 to $500,000 so the last three surgeries I had almost spend $2 million dollars!”
This shows the greed of the American medical system.
Im against these pharma companies charging more than people make in a year for a years worth of medicine and then you see stories like this where doctors take advantage of people’s insurance policies and do unnecessary things so that they can charge so much more money.
Its despicable it really is it disgusts me
Medical care in America is a joke. People are all worked up about “socialized medicine” destroying our healthcare system… Newsflash, its broke as fuck! So tired of hearing the “we need choices in health care” like we get any choice other than whatever garbage insurance our employer provides and then get to fight them tooth and nail to pay for anything. Its a joke. I’ve lived in a state where I could get medicaid and it is 10 times better than any private insurance I’ve had. Its better than the healthcare I got in the military and saved my life and me from bankrupcy. Wish people would get their head screwed on straight and stop acting like these parasitic companies are doing us a favor.

How did Ronnie pay for 2 million dollars worth of back surgery and why did he get such a shitty surgeon!? If a guy like that is getting screwed over how do you think your average joe construction worker fares in the system.
I couldn’t agree more I believe that the term socialized medicine was coined to make older individuals think of the Russians and Germans lol this is a joke.
The pharma companies and the doctors are killing us all with this bs. I don’t believe that the government will ever take over the medical system in America.
I want change but in all honesty I don’t want it to be controlled by the government either.
I believe that the government needs to put in place the same thing that insurance companies already have. Payment schedules I believe there called and its all a company can charge for the service or medicine.
I recently changed pharmacies I have to pay out of pocket for a medication that is not covered by my insurance. I now pay less than half of what I was paying before. I think that I should be able to sue the pharmacy who charged me more than double what another charges.
I can’t even get started on this topic I will write such a rant we might run out of room on the server lol

I completely agree that the system is criminal and already destroyed
Fuck yes i agree 1000% bro! @Bigmurph speaking the truth there bro i love it and agree that our government is the biggest fkn drug dealers out there and also the biggest rapist thieves. They dont give a fuck about us its all about money. Big pharma would never allow cures from cancer and AIDS or other terminal diseases its too big of a business too much money being made! They dont want you healthy or dead just want to keep you in the middle so they can give you 100 different scripts for each side effect that each medication gives you. Its a dirty fkn system and it makes me sick to my stomach 🤢🤮
Watched the documentary last night. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I hope he’s at least able to walk again without the use of crutches. I met him once, long time ago. He looked incredible. That’s how I choose to remember him.