SB Labs

Rp4u tren e and sust cycle/ Bridge to omni gear


So here are my stats
12% bf
5’ 8"
Will be starting cycle on Oct 1 and run until Jan 1.
This is a bulk cycle.
Will start first 30 days with 50mgs of Adrol supplied by Iron Junkie labs
Will be running 700 mgs a week of Tren E a week for duration of cycle split into eod
Will be running 1820 mgs a week of sust split into eod
Aromisin at 12.mgs eod and adjust as needed
Have prami and caber on hand haven’t had issues in past where I had to use them.Will put up pics once I start for a beginning cycle . Have diet laid out by my coach. As well as 5 day a week training cycle . hope to put on 15 to 17 lbs . But I guess we will see
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Sounds like a lot but not really . I’m old and been around the block a few times .will be a really good blast before I cruise for 2 months and then do a 16 week contest prep .
Be careful. Make sure you run a liver support and drink plenty of water .Adrol is my favorite oral due to strength and power gain to get bigger you have to get stronger .

Is this the one you use?
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Yes sir it is . plus I take two aspirin a day. As well as animal pak flex for my joints
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looks like a great cycle. , im also going to be watching. …this one. good luck my ffiend and SMASH. IT. VIKING POWER. , ODID THOR. , 🙂
I have found that Parabolan works best for bulking out of options for tren. That’s of course if you can get tren hex and it isn’t tren e . Not a big fan of Tren e and ace hits so hard that bulking with it can be a challenge. I am sure you have had good results with what the compounds you chose. Sustaton is definitely my favorite for bulking. I don’t run it that high though . 1,250mg is my limit because of sides. If you can get the food in you will get 15lbs of good solid muscle gains. Might throw in some A-bombs at the end (last 3 weeks ) to go out with a bang because the gains from test/tren will be falling off. Just a thought. Good luck . I will keep an eye on this one.
Also I gave Big Murph a tried and true bulking diet if you run into issues. I see you have a coach already. Just offering if you ever wanted it.
I posted the diet in the diet and training category.
Its a great diet I’ve only substituted some of the powder shakes for real protien but its definitely a very easy and convenient bulking diet plan and it works
Mass Diet, Bulking diet, Big Bulk Diet Diet Discussions
MEAL 1: 5 whole eggs (buy the OMEGA-3 EGGS they sell in the supermarket) with 4 extra egg whites with 1 cup of Oatmeal (cooked) (45g carbs) MEAL 2: 8oz turkey burgers or chicken breast burgers with 10oz sweet potatoes (45g carbs) with 2 tablespoons of macadamia nut oil. MEAL 3: 60g Whey Protein Isolate** with 2 tablespoons of All Natural Peanutbutter MEAL 4: “FATTY PROTEIN MEAL” 8oz (cooked) of red meat with a salad with 2 tablespoon of olive oil (or macadamia nut oil) and vinegar with 1…
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