SB Labs

Rp4u tren e and sust cycle/ Bridge to omni gear

So I’m 9 days into cycle not much to report . waiting for compounds to build .Hitting gym 5 days a week .
Its starting to come on but not sure if its more the Adrol or the sust . Did back tonight and couldn’t quit sweating . had some good pulls but no PR. Starting to kick the sheets of in the night .

Before pics taken today 10 days in
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Holding a little on the lower waist now but that’s due to caloric surplus trying to add some mass . The older I get the harder it is to keep off even when doing clean bulk .
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So I started at 203 now 16 days in and am at 207 .Don’t belive it is water weight since I can still see my top four abs clearly. Not overly excited because I feel at 1820 mgs of sust a week or 7mls I should feel like a raging bull . Going to bridge over to another sources gear soon to switch things up and see if it just me .
I do feel it but not to the degree I feel I should. I have been on trt for over 10 years and blasting and cruising for 5 of them . The only side I am experiencing is very minor acid reflux .Not gonna waste my time with blood work just gonna bridge over and see where it goes
Ok so I’m now 28 days into this cycle. 10 days ago I briged over to Omni gear. Starting to get good pumps and feeling over all. Today did legs and hit 325. 5x5. On squats. Then hit press ,ext, curls and calves all in super set circuit… Weight is sitting at 209 first thing this morning .
1750 test cyp Omni labs
700 tren e. Omni labs
50mgs Adrol. Pre workout. Various labs
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Not to happy with it that’s why I bridged over so fast . For the amount of sust and tren I was using it wasn’t there I’m about 10 days in on Omni and already feeling a difference . Didn’t waste time with bloods my body tells me a lot I’m not new to this game. I look at reviews on a forum I’m on and not sure if these guys are nut riders or if honestly never had good gear. Or tried pharma grade so they don’t know . my cyp I get at the compounding pharmacy is what I compare all my gear to and rp4u just wasn’t there for me
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Yeah I ran his tren one time and was not pleased, i got these during a promo against my own second guesses. Guess I’ll donate them to someone else