SB Labs

Running high test

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The one thing you have to do with high test is really change your diet and workout. Most that run high test and eat there regular cruise diet and workout. With higher doses you need to increase your calories, water and work more PRs than normal. The down side is sides. On high doses (1.5 gms a week) I really became lethargic and trouble breathing. Walking up stairs would wind me. Now. The heaviest I’ve been was high doses. I was pushing 275 and 14% BF. One thing. My PRs jumped anywhere from 10 to 12%. Looking through my logs, once I came off high dosing lost 15 pounds in a month. Strength and PRs dropped back within 3 and 5% So. Was the strength gains worth it? Not really. Blasting at 500mg I keep my strength gains better and keep weight better. Plus I feel better than high dosing.
Good. Busy at work, working on my mental health. Everything is going great. I passed on my knee replacement for now. Changing my routine to be geared as a “older” guy. Getting too old for blast/cruise. So just staying on TRT. 😁
I used to bump up to 1 g a week during meet prep, along with 600 mg Deca and 50-100 mg Anadrol. Usually only lasted as long as my peaking program and never made me feel super stellar… if I could turn back time, I would cruise at or around 200 mg wk always rather than 400 like I used to, and would only increase to 500 and probably use sustanon with daily shots rather than E or C for meet prep.
200, very rarely do I ever blast any more either. Usually if I do it’s immediately after one of my blood work appointments so I have time for my levels to come back down before my next blood work, and I only go up to 300-350. I’m retired from competition, at least serious competition, and I’ve been on test since I was 20 and from about 25 on I stopped coming off, with the exception of 2016, my first year out of competing… I’ll be 42 in March.
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