Rusty’s pre cycle prep

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So I wanna start my next cycle in three weeks. Hoping to get under 15%bf before I start. If I don’t get to my goals then I will wait to start cycle until I do. Currently 242 guessing 17% ish bf. Gonna run clen 5 on two off Benadryl in between. And starting calorie deficit today. @NeuroRN @Bigmurph @Dirtnasty

I’d like to do what laser had planned for me but I did half of it before Covid. I think it’s too much. My body responds more like yours brother more is less. I need to scale it back as far as test and NPP. Also the pip was awful. I had thumb size lumps every time I injected for four days. Maybe mct oil will help? Moving it with EQ didn’t help either. What I would really like to do is what your doing but with NPP.
I personally thought 8 weeks was too short for EQ. the PIP may be just as bad with DHB, but the MCT oil seems to help me a lot. I haven’t dared to try without 😂😂
How often you do the dhb how much. I know you said before I just don’t feel like looking through the posts.
Ok. When I get closer to it I want to revisit this with you because I might do it with NPP vs the Dbol. I keep reading so many gains are lost when a guy stops taking dbol.
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