SB Labs

Rusty’s pre cycle prep

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This is what I got fellas

Ketotifen was made popular by its ability to inhibit the down regulation of beta receptors caused by drugs like clenbuterol. Clenbuterol, albuterol, and Ephedrine used to be cycled on and off because they desensitize the various receptors they act on to produce their lipolytic effect. Ketotifen would therefore allow the use of these fat burning drugs for much longer periods.

If youve read my writings on Clenbuterol, you already know that Benadryl (the anti-histimine) can also be used for this same purpose, and is 10x cheaper and infinitely more available to most people. So why am I bothering to write about Ketotifen at all?

Ketotifen, in medical circles, is also recognized for its ability to lower levels of the cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), which is a catabolic hormone, and this is a property that Benadryl does not have to my knowledge. TNF-alpha lowers both testosterone and IGF-1 levels (3) (4), and strenuous exercise elevates TNF-alpha levels (5). TNF-alpha has also been shown to increase insulin resistance, which we certainly dont want.

Ketotifen and Weigh Loss​

Ketotifen is used by people suffering from wasting diseases partially caused by TNF-alpha. I think, however, its ability to lower TNF-alpha is going to be overshadowed by anabolic effects produced by anabolic steroids. In one study involving AIDS patients, combining Ketotifen and Oxymetholone (Anadrol 50) showed that the Ketotifen didnt add much to the Oxymetholone induced weight gain (1). Hence, you are reading this profile in the “Ancilliaries” portion of this book, and not the “Fat - Burning” part, even though Ketotifen is typically used as part of a fat burning cycle including clen. Benadryl is simply too much cheaper and readily available to use Ketotifen in its place with Clen. However, for Post-Cycle-Therapy, Ketotifen and its ability to lower TNF-alpha, is a very valuable tool. You see, Hypogonadism (low testosterone) often accompanies elevated TNF-alpha levels (6), and after a cycle of anabolic steroids, you are going to be in a hypogonadal state, with elevated TNF-alpha. Thus, taking Ketotifen with your PCT is probably a very good idea. I recommend 1-3mgs/day before bed because this stuff will make you pretty drowsy.

  1. Oxymetholone promotes weight gain in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection. Br J Nutr. 1996 Jan;75(1):129-38.
  2. Smart T. GMHC Treat Issues. 1995 May;9(5):7-8, 12.
  3. Mauduit C, Endocrinology 1998 Jun;139(6):2863-.
  4. Lang CH Growth Horm IGF Res 2001 Aug;11(4):250-60.
  5. Pedersen BK et. al. Exerc Immunol Rev 2001;7:18-31.
  6. Malkin CJ J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jul;89(7):3313-8.
Yesterday workout
Everything is lighter weights working hypertrophy

Good mornings 3x10
Deadlifts. 3x10
Back squats 3x10

Circuit training 3 rounds final round amraps 15 seconds rest between sets.

Dumbbell lunges 10
Reverse crunches 15
Box pistols 10 (this is where I can really tell my left leg is weaker cause the injury from fall. I need to help myself to finish with left leg and right leg flys through it).
Elbow Plank 45 seconds
Air squats body weight 10

Weight this morning 241
Cause cardio gets I. The way of the lift of compound movements. Then 8-15 reps for most other movements you’ve seen my log haha
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It’s where you take a nominal weight on a barbell and do a series of movements without putting it down. Take a timed rest and do it again. Look up cosgroves evil eight. Thats my favorite.
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I think I am gonna take a deload day today. Been working out Ed this week and demo staircase from over 100 years ago today with giant cut nails is a workout of its own lol. Gonna make this a laundry room I guess
I did light back work today just concentrated on form and the contraction real slow reps
I did cosgrove evil eight today. I only did 65 pounds cause I wanted to make sure I finished it. Whenever I bite of more than I can chew and get defeated it fucks with my head. It better for me mentally to ease into things and be successful. Am glad I started light. The weight was easy enough but my lower back got tight after the second round and still had 4 more rounds to go. It definitely took my breathing to a high level. Very cardio!!! @Poppy @Dirtnasty

Cosgrove evil eight. Never set down bb during a set each set consist of 8 exercises

Round. 1 24 seconds each
Romanian deadlift
Bent over rows
Power cleans
Front squats
Push press
Back squats
Good mornings
Rest 1 min 15 sec

Round two same but 21 sec each
Rest 1 min 15 sec

Round three same but 12 sec each
Rest 1 min 15 sec

Round four same but 3 reps each

Round five same but 2 reps each

Round six same but one round each
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