Serious Goals+Serious Effort=Serious Results


Standing hamstring curl worked my way up by sets of 10
when I got to hard 12 started to pyramid
12,10,8,6 6 was with 8 plates in the stack

Barbell Squats 3 working sets of 8 (last 3 sets count as working)

Barbell Hack Squats 2x10 and then did a drop set
225,225…then 225 for 10 dropped and 135 for 10

Single Leg Extension 4x10 each leg
6 plates in the stack

Stiff Leg Deads w/ barbell 3x8
135 for all 3 sets

Standing Calve raises 6x10 at 225lbs
Pull Day

One Arm Barbell Rows 4x10
worked my way up and 2 45lb plates for all 4 working sets

Chins 4x fail

superset w/

straight arm pushdowns 4x8
5 plates in stack for all 4 sets

Prone Shrugs 4x12
used 37.5 lb dumbbells all 4 sets

Single Arm Preacher curls 4x8
used 37.5 lb dumbbells for all 4 sets

Hammer Curls 4x12
used 37.5 lb dumbbbells for all 4 sets

Band Crunches 4x35

20min treadmill
Much appreciated man! It sure feels like I’ve been forced to slow down during this quarantine crap but i’m trying to do what I can. My plans for the National show this year are off which means next year I’m goin to have to re-qualify and hit the national show all in the same year, so now my focus has switched to making improvements and trying to make major gains this year. Right now I’ve just started a little 6 week “cut” to prime myself for a growing phase starting mid June. Obstacles are inevitable but the focus just needs to adjust and go full bore ahead.
Push Day

Machine Press 4x10
3-4 warm up sets
then 4 sets at full stack

Pec Minor Dips 4x8

Superset w/

Dips 4x12

Side Lateral raise 4x8
used 37.5 lb dumbbells

super set w/

Bent over dumbbell Swings 4x12
used the 37.5 lb dumbbells

Pronated Dumbbell Kick Backs 4x10
used a 20lb dumbbell

Skull Crushers (W/ EZ bar) 4x12
90 lbs all 4 sets

20 min cardio
Updating from over the weekend

Leg Day:
Standing Hamstring curls
worked up by sets of 10 till hard 10 and then
did 4 working sets there

Squats (Blood pump so these were pretty fast paced with only 60 sec rests) 4x15 at 225 4x10 at 225

Leg Extensions single leg 4 sets of 15

Standing Calve Raises 6x10 at 225

Pull Day

Meadows Rows 4x8
worked my way up to 3 45lb plates and then did 4 working sets there

Rack Pulls from Mid shin 5x5 at 225

Straight arm pushdowns 4x8

superset w/

Banded Dumbbell Pull overs 4x8

Face Pulls (pulled more towards the chest) 3x10

Hanging Leg Raises 6x fail

EZ bar curl with 5 sec eccentric 4x8
70 lbs all 4 sets

single arm preacher curl 4x8 4 sec eccentric
used a 37.5 lb dumbbell all 4 sets

20 min cardio
Push Day

Machine Press
sets of 8 till a hard 8 and then 3 working sets

Flat Barbell Press 5x5 (slight pause on chest each rep)
Worked way up to 275 and did my 5 working sets there

Dips 4x12

superset w/

stretch push ups 4x fail

Seated Cage Press 4x8
135 for all 4 sets

Single Arm Bent Over Rear Lateral Raise 4x15 (each arm)
Used a 20 lb dumbbell (No Swings)

Tricep cable pushdown (used a rope attachment) 4x12
used 5 plates in the stack
focus was on elbows staying in same postion and bringing knuckles to parallell with the floor

Overhead Dumbbell Extensions 4x10
used 37.5 lb dumbbell

20 min cardio
I love it. I get to activate everything twice a week and I’m actually feeling better in recovery. The first round early in the week I get alot of real heavy work in and then the 2nd round is more of a pump and I’m thinking that the extra blood flow into the muscle bellies is helping the recovery aspect.

Standing Hamstring Curls
Worked up by sets of 10 till it was hard
Then did a pyramid of 12,10,8,6 (I used all but one plate on the stack by the time i got to 6)

Barbell Squats set of 8

Dumbbell Lunges 3x10
Used 37.5 lb dumbbells for all 3 sets

Single Leg Extensions 4x15
each set was hard contractions till atleast 10 reps and then the remaining reps were partials

Stiff Leg Deads 3x8
used 185lbs all 3 sets

Standing Calve Raises
3x20 at 185
3x8 at 225 (focus on stretch position)

20 min cardio
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Pull Day

Cable Row 4x12
Working sets were full stack

Straight Arm Pushdowns 4x8
5 plates in stack all 4 sets

superset w/

Supinated Pull Downs 4x8
full stack on all 4 sets

Prone Shrugs 4x12
Used the 37.5 lb dumbbells

Dumbbell Curls 4x8
used 37.5 lb dumbbells all 4 sets

Hammer Curls 4x12
used 37.5 lb dumbbells all 4 sets

Band Crunches 6x35

20 min cardio
Legs (Friday)

(Finally Back in a gym)

Leg Press
3 plates each side for 50 reps
4 plates each side for 40 reps
5 plates side for 30 reps
6 plates each side for 20 reps
7 plates each side for 10 reps

3 sets of 20 at 225

Lying Leg Curls 5x10

Seated Calve Raise 6x15
used 2 plates (hard contraction and 10 sec iso stretch after each set)

superset w/

6x20 Rope Crunches

20 min cardio

Push Day (Saturday)

Incline Bench
135x 10

Dips 3x15 (body weight)

Smith Shoulder Press

Side Lateral Raise 4x10
35s, 40’s, 40’s, 40’s

Lying Dumbbell extension
(this looked like a skull crusher method but w/ only 1 heavy dumbbell) 4x10
80, 90,90,90

Rope Pushdowns 4x12
50, 75,75,75

Pull Day (Sunday)
Lat Pull Downs sets of 10
then did 280 for 6 w/ 4 assisted forced reps

T-Bar Rows sets of 10
started at 1 plate and worked up to 5 plates

Rack Pulls sets of 6

Face Pulls to the chest 4x15

Barbell Curls 4x10

Superset w/
Rope crunches 4 sets to failure

Machine Preacher Curls (single Arm) 4x10
50, 50,70,70

Reverse Grip EZ bar curls 4x15
used 60 lbs all 4 sets

20 min cardio
Damn I thought that was one day I was thinking that this guy is a fucking animal lol lol wow
You still are an animal brother that’s a great Friday Saturday and Sunday your dedication is what I really like you are continuing to hit it as hard as you can.
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Push Day (Pump)

Machine Press sets of 12-15

Cable Cross over 4x12
25 Each Side,30,35,35

Superset w/

Dip Machine 4x15
190 for all 4 sets

Bent over Rear Delt Flyes 4x15
used 30 lb dumbbell for all 4 sets

Hammer Strength Iso Shoulder Press 4x10
1 45lb plate each side
1 45 and 1 25lb plate each side
2 45lb plates
2 45lb plates each side

pushdowns used 2 single handles 6x12-15
35,42.5, 55, 65, 75,80

Laying Skull Crushers 4x8-10
Used a 90lb preloaded camber bar for all 4 sets

Single arm cross body pushdowns 3x12
25lbs all 3 sets

20 min cardio
I’m curious on your bench, I see you work down to a low rep range, but then work back up to 10reps.

What’s your thought process behind that? Is it to get lactic acid out of the muscles? Just curious as a lot of strongmen I follow say to never go back up to high reps after low rep work on the same exercise. I know there goals are a bit different than bodybuilding, was just curious I guess.