SB Labs

Serious Goals+Serious Effort=Serious Results

I always enjoy getting to use a bsdass gym like one at a really expensive college they have the best equipment.
I even enjoy going into the warehouse gyms they have everything but its all old school and beaten down but works sll the same as the shiny stuff.

I hope that you enjoyed the new gym workout
Leg Day

Lying Leg Curls 4x12
80,100,120,140… What I found interesting doing the last set was I was really slamming the weight up like an old tom Platz video I remember seeing.

Leg Pres sets of 8 till I couldn’t get 8 any more
Started with 1 plate per side because I wanted to warm up my knees…I’ve been having some soreness in them.
Top set was 9 plates and I barely was able to get that 8th rep

Front Squat 4x8
135,225,275,315 (did 9 reps on the last set)

Dummbell Lunges lead foot elevated 4x10 each leg
used 60’s on all 4 sets

Leg Extensions 3x20 at 120 lbs

Stiff Leg Deads 3x15
110x 3 sets
For those of you following along with me here… How do you guys “amplify” your rest. I just got done having deep tissue work done over the weekend and I’ve got some chiropractic work scheduled for tomorrow. These plus making sure I get 8 hrs of sleep and taking in the meal on clockwork are how I do it. How about you guys?
My sleep is garbage most nights, I have and are currently working with my doc about meds, but I’ve been on a million, and either they suck or I become to dependent on them, anyways that whole massage thing and chiro my wife does and my dad and they love it, and I’m sure it works, but I need my space and don’t prefer to be touched, just ask my wife.
I do have to say that I don’t typically feel tired during the day so I mean, how bad can my sleep be, what I do know is I wake up a lot.
I got one of those commercial grade massaging chairs. Use that daily for an hour at least. Use foam and stick rollers along with Tens units every other day. Really helps me physically relax.

I want to buy some graston tools but name brand is expensive and generics from China and cheap but need to purchase in bulk.
hahaha Thats ok. I’ll get it back on track after I train. But good rest is just as important to this bodybuilding thing as the training and dieting so I’m interested to see what everyone is doing. I’ve been adding a little cbd in the morning and right before bed as well.
Hey @TG what tens Unit do you recommend? Do you use it just as needed where you’re sore or every time you train a body part? Sorry to highjack this thread but I am looking at that as a recovery option.
I know its German amazon but its in US store also. This is one I use now. I don’t use it everytime I train. But on a schedule and either on soreness or where ever I I’m focussed on.

Ok Pulling this back to my log…

Chest day and it was big for me cuz I hit an awesome PR on Incline Dumbbell Press

Machine Press 4x10

Incline Dumbbell Press sets of 8 until I barely get 8 then 3 quick light drop sets of 8
90, 100,110,130’s, 150’s! (PR) yeah baby! last rep was everything I had to get that 8th rep (ive never even been able to get the 150’s for more then 2 reps)

Immediately after drop sets hit machine flyes 3x20 at 120lbs

Stretch Pushups 3x failure

Waited a few min and then went into delts…

Rear Delt machine 3 sec squeezes 4x10

Lateral Raises with 2 sec contractions 5x8

Barbell Front Raise with 2 sec contraction 4x6
all 4 sets I did at 60 lbs