Is just crazy to see some many bodybuilders fall this year. Yes we all have issues, however common patter is the reason some bringing it to the
I saw a lot of comments yesterday, steroids abuse, drugs etc… A lot of people were blaming deeply PEDs. Could that be the case? Posible. Could other factor play a part? Definitely.
I often see extremely young dude at my gym with PED side effects. I question Y sooo Young, IMO they don’t have the knowledge, wisdom, or even better the brotherhood in our group to guide them.
Right now everyone is trying to get as dry as inhumanly possible and maintain size. Everything plays a factor. Rhoden wasnt young but wasnt old. Its easy to blame all steroids instead of certain ones and diuretics. They also never acknowledge prescription or rec drugs that can play a part. As you age tho, other physical complications can occur like with all people. You need to learn when to take a step back and realize where you are and need to stay. Not try to push farther just for a fucking competition.
People sure do like to assume they know that its PEDs.
Rich Piana one example. Dude was sorting oxys and coke and doing whatever else. And @TG makes a good point on aging and wear and tear. Hell rowden was the oldest to win the competition if im not mistaken. My question is… If…IF its PEDs solely for some of these body builders how much are they actually putting in their body? @Dirtnasty is known for using a hefty amount so are we to say dudes are pushing 2 …3x’s that???
I was there when Shawn won the Olympia. He looked like he was dying. He could barely stand up. He had the best condition I have ever seen in all the Olympia’s I’ve been to.
I hate the way those running things turned on him. He passed two lie detector tests in regards to raping that girl. Plus, it has been shown that girl and her family are professional com artists/grifters who do these unethical things to make money. Shawn got totally screwed over by the I.F.B.B…
I heard he was around 300Lbs and about to be approved to compete again when he passed.
I’m going to give my theory even though it’s just speculation. Roids and HGH plus heavy training and all the food lead to an enlarged heart/athlete’s heart. Shawn was recently on vacation out of the country meaning he must had gotten the Covid vaccine. The Covid vaccine causes myocarditis and pericarditis/heart enlargement.
There are many athletes who are having heart attacks for no apparent reason the past 6 months according to a doctor who made a video I found. I think we will see a lot more deaths among seemingly heathy athletes.
R.I.P. Shawn!
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