SB Labs

Should I take testosterone at age 19?


Active member
Hey all, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to take a cruise on a 250mg of testosterone (6 week cycle). I’m just 19 years old 6’1 but i’ve been training for 3 years, my physique is pretty shredded. The only problem is that I have a high metabolism rate and I don’t gain anything at all, at most i’ll say 2lbs a month. In the knowledge I have, testosterone is a great way to bulk up. I’m also a engineering student meaning I’m extremely short on time and sometimes can’t eat or lift.
i would appreciate the feedback.
I would say no. Especially at 250mgs a week.

All you would be doing at that dose is shutting down your natural test production.

There are a lot of guys here who have more experience than I do. Such as @Bigmurph I’m sure he’d offer some good advice to you.
250mg isnt what I would consider a cycle. Thats not enough for the risks. Alot of people will tell you to wait till your older. I didnt and many others who say that didnt. Hell, look at jay cutlers pics when he was 18. He wasnt natural. Its all about your goals and genetics. Then you need to make sure your ready in all aspects.

In any sense you need make sure to eat. Get a 6pack bag and carry all your meals with you. I used to be a dick and eat boiled eggs and tuna while sitting at university. If it was time to eat, you eat.

If you cant put the time into eating and training then dont waste time on a small trt dosage like that.
At age 19 unless you got blood work from a doctor saying that you have low testosterone and I mean put of range low. You actually have more testosterone than if you were to inj testosterone at that amount.
If you do inj testosterone at any amount at 19 you will then moving forward probably have low testosterone so while you have high testosterone don’t waste your money on gear buy FOOD and lots of it. Good food and hit the weights hard you will get better results than you would from messing with your hormones at 19.
Hit me up anytime if you have any questions
Its considered extra risky for someone under 25 to use steroids in regards to their recovery of natural testosterone production.
Your endocrine system is still developing and may not reach your full natty potential.

Over the years I have seen a lot of young guys looking for help after a cycle, reporting no sex drive and limp dick.
Truth is you can fail to recover at any age, but its extra shitty to see it happen to young men. You can be all shredded, but no
Longer even feel like smashing dat ass.

For old guys, we just go on trt for life.
Not as big a deal as a 19 year old looking at another 60 years of being locked into trt.
Jbustos11 said:
at most i’ll say 2lbs a month

Thats 24lbs a year… some members wish they were so lucky even with the use of roids! If you can’t find the time to eat or lift you’re FUBAR bro and supplementing with steroids is a waste of money. Steroids do not magically add muscle to an undernourished or undertrained physique.

You are a 19yr old stud buck and you are wanting to be the herd leader. Thats absolutely normal. You are a grown man so you can make your own decisions about using or not using.

If you need help with diet and training to maximize your lack of effort so far let us know. Thats kinda a joke with a bit of truth tossed in. 😂

Give this a read. If you have time read the entire thread. It includes training, diet and supplements that may help you through the winter bulking season. Bears hibernate in the winter. Bodybuilders bulk!
Winter 10 Week Lean Bulk Mass Building Program Grow with the Snow Training-Diet-Logs
The Workout We will be training four days a week. Focusing on Heavy and Rest-Pause sets.
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19 I felt like I was on 500mg of test and 50mg of proviron a day. Unless you’re a college athlete and have to gear up to stay competitive, and eve then… I’d say no to gear. You’re really putting your hormone production through the ringer while its at its peak. Not the answer you wanted I’m sure but as you can see by the above posts, its not just one mans opinion. At 250mg a week, unless your testosterone is painfully low already, you aren’t going to feel any different and growth will be minimal. Just not worth the $ and really not worth shutting down natural test for any period of time.

What are your goals, and what made you want to start using gear so early? I know we all want to get there as fast as we can, but it never stops and honestly at 19 you shouldn’t be in a big hurry to jump on TRT, 2hidh is where you’re headed if you start juicing in your younger years. Better to hold off and get the most out of it when you start to need it more.

I’m not dogging you for wanting to gear up, its just that its detrimental when your test production is already sky high in your late teens. If a Dr says its below 400, maybe consider it. For now take advantage of your parents health insurance (thanks to Obamacare rules you should still be covered) and go get a blood test for cheap.
Just as everyone here has said, and with good reasoning, absolutely not. I learned a long time ago that if you want to gain then you need nutrition dialed in. Do some decent research and learn about how to properly bulk and to properly maintain. Learn how to meal prep and sacrifice your free time in the gym. I don’t really want to touch base on the dosage for fear that you may try to up it and do it anyway but the typical 16 to 25 year old male is producing far more testosterone than the equivalent of 250mg a week. I wouldnt be surprised if you did a blood test and it came back at over 1200ng at your age. Seriously consider what it will do to your endocrine system and HPTA. You dont want to end up on prescribed TRT at 21 years old and be on it for potentially the rest of your life.