19 I felt like I was on 500mg of test and 50mg of proviron a day. Unless you’re a college athlete and have to gear up to stay competitive, and eve then… I’d say no to gear. You’re really putting your hormone production through the ringer while its at its peak. Not the answer you wanted I’m sure but as you can see by the above posts, its not just one mans opinion. At 250mg a week, unless your testosterone is painfully low already, you aren’t going to feel any different and growth will be minimal. Just not worth the $ and really not worth shutting down natural test for any period of time.
What are your goals, and what made you want to start using gear so early? I know we all want to get there as fast as we can, but it never stops and honestly at 19 you shouldn’t be in a big hurry to jump on TRT, 2hidh is where you’re headed if you start juicing in your younger years. Better to hold off and get the most out of it when you start to need it more.
I’m not dogging you for wanting to gear up, its just that its detrimental when your test production is already sky high in your late teens. If a Dr says its below 400, maybe consider it. For now take advantage of your parents health insurance (thanks to Obamacare rules you should still be covered) and go get a blood test for cheap.