Should we test everything we buy?

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Army Veteran \Regular
Open discussion, should we test (RoidTest) everything we purchase?

Even is yours/UGM trusted Sponsors?

Everything will be an opinion! Be open minded with every circumstances.

I asked cause it came to mind no long ago lol…
Im going to start out by saying i don’t test everything maybe 1 vial out of a big order at random but here’s a for instance. Me and @Kad1 ordered primobolan at the same time and it was an honest mistake that it was actually test. My dads a transplant recipient and i buy him primo he takes super low dose bc he read up on the medical uses of it for such. So kad1s test was like 25000 or some shit which woulda killed or at least caused some seruous health problems in my dad so it is best to check some of everything bc even the best sponsers are just human just my .2c
I always test one bottle out of the bunch. Every sponsor. Roidtest results can be a little screwy and with the exception of primo have been pretty close to what they are supposed to be for me so far.
I usually get blood work. I’m not a fan of regent testing. Ive done enough over the years to know if its working by how its reacting to me. I just started a new brand of Test and blood work costs me $10 so I’ll check it this week and see if its where it should be. If so Ill try some of their other products. I also never order large quantities at the first time so if something is shit, I can trash it and try something else.
I agree when you know, you know. Unfortunately you’ll still be out the money because it’s your word against a sponsor. Recent expample, I got tren from an extremely trusted sponsor one that I know for sure an IFBB uses and I think it was crap. He swears by it says best ever, I used for 3 weeks and had zero benefits. I switched and within 2 weeks my strength was through the roof. Maybe it was a bad batch? All I k ow is didn’t work for me. His test on the other hand is through the roof!
Here is my opinion! Even if you test 1 of you batch, it does not say anything about the others in the batch neither… Blood work is best, but it could also be damaging to your body if you wait to is too late like @Cluster said… IMO you have to test everything if possible & blood work to know for sure. I guess In the game we ALL are at risk.

I agree with @TG blood work is best way. I personally don’t test stuff. Those aren’t always right. I’m old school also like I don’t get why people would sell under dosed or fake gear. You will make way more money in the long run by treating people right and selling a quality product.

I’ve had people fuck me over in the past with fake gear. I’m sure @TG remembers one particular story. I bought a bunch of gear and it was all trash and fake. I knew as soon as I opened the package.

It’s sad people these days aren’t honest and loyal and we have to test things because of that.
Not sponsors here but were extremely popular
and hyped elsewhere. Testosterone was underdosed. About half of what was claimed. (bloodwork) Provion some definitely felt legit and some nothing in terms of sides I get from taking. Things that make ya go hmm. He had people posting bloodwork at same time that looked good. That was months. before peope started catching on. A certain forum mod was saying it was all lies and a competitor was trying to ruin the labs rep. No the shit was under dosed and he damn well knew or should of. He admitted they hadn’t tested and no way to track batches when I sent them my bloodwork.
Another lab a bunch of testing was done by Jahomik. (Edit other than some sloppy brewing with extra compounds added all the tests came back as having what it was supposed to be and good dosing. So just because labs get posted by a lab or alleged third party it’s still something I’d take with a grain of salt after my experience) It was the same time I got Test from them. The test D was either bunk or super underdosed that’s how low my bloodwork work was…

Kinda sad my go to is more more. Because I definitely hate to be going through the getting bunk or under dosed again.
I am definitely a fan of testing.
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I remember the chinaman, good and then Literally was gonna order 10 kits and something happened to one of you guys and saved me. Do we log all the reagent testing in a certain section. I’ve never done one, I too, Know by how I feel if things are up to snuff. I get echo-blood sleep studies for like the last 15 years at least once a year. I have been putting off the colonoscopy, BUTT, It’s next month. It seems they always find some little tissue to test and the wait is a week to be nervous. Can I tell if things are dosed correctly…No. I used to start one thing at a time and then add another 2weeks later and Ive been a big fam of short bursts and they used to call it “staggering.” I really think I could tell if it was all test or if the orals were good. I like to stick to the “old dosages” per ML. The “super solvents” and EO or junk carrier oil, caused me some issues. You should get a “Im on” feeling, the pump, the endurance, especially if your on the lean side. There’s also the Taking too much or junk gear feeling. Tired, lethargy, pain in joints, bad PIP, “test flu” …ETC. Remember, most of us take vitamins, protein powder, etc. I was a big fan of Vitamin C in grams and some other things years ago from reading Pauling’s studies and researchers after that. We have to assimilate and get rid of all that stuff. That’s why taking a junky protein or cheap vitamins whatever is not the greatest thing to do, IMO. I 99% of the time have the choice to do something or not, so I have to live and learn…Hopefully a lot of both. Death and taxes.
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