Siatica, disc, back issues

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Hey guys, I’ve been battling some pretty terrible sciatica for the past four weeks. I’ve been on prednisone, helps out a little bit. I’ve been lucky over the years with no major injuries… anyone else recover from bulging or herniated discs? I have an scheduled MRI next week … ugh
I had it so bad 2 years ago. I didn’t know it was possible to be in that much chronic pain and not have a heart attack. I have near no disk space left in my spine. My hemoglobin at the time was 25 which was the highest anyone at the hospital had ever seen. I ended up stopping all roids for 9 1/2 months and things improved. My left leg is permanently messed up from the nerve damage of the sciatica but I can walk. I can’t run and can only do about 15Lbs on leg extensions. Anyway, dropping roids got the inflammation down and I gradually improved over time. When things were bad I was on tianeptine around the clock. It acts on all opiate receptors. Prednisone didn’t help. Prior to that I was about n high dose roids for 23 years. I’m on a moderate dose now and things are going well. No more sciatica pain.
Thanks brother for the insight! I’m on TRT at 200 mgs per week and will most likely until fall. Injuries are incredibly frustrating! Backs are especially because it interferes with your everyday life activities. Taking time off from training is a challenge mentally!
I screwed my back up in 08. 2 bulging disks slight stenosis, did it on decline weighted sit ups. Man check out athelanx on YouTube. I’ve been to the chiro 100 plus times since I did my back like that. Doc can fix it but if you catch it coming on you can correct it with the stretches he teaches. I haven’t been to the chiropractor in 12 or 14 months now so its saved me a ton
I just had a family member have the non invasive surgery to make 2 or 3 disks into one I told them not to do it because ive always had everyone tell me that it eventually just gets worse than when you get the surgery but the surgery worked there no longer taking painkillers and are really happy with it I can’t remember the name of the surgery. It took the pressure off of the disk so that it doesn’t pinch the nerve. They were home the next day from the hospital after the procedure.
In the past I would never recommend surgery but it might be your best option.
Get your doc to write you a script for physical therapy with someone who is dry needling certified.

Basically they will stick a needle into the knots or knotted up muscle in your paraspinals and hips. I had sciatica or more so sciatic pain in miserable fashion for Almost a month. Turns out my hips were the problem.

Dry needling is miserable during the visit. But will make you feel better in places you didn’t know were issues.
Interesting you should say that… although I know siatica pain can run into the hip area, I really feel in that area and into my thigh / calve . I actually have little pain bending over to touch my toes. In my summer cutting I’ve been living on the the stair climber (45) min daily at at 11-12 level each morning in addition to doing some non traditional lifting moves while on corona break from the gym … so who knows! Looking forward to getting an mri to see what the hells going on!
Stair climber will definitely make the hips tight. Sit in the edge of a table or bed so your legs dangle. Round your spine and tuck your chin to your chest, the straighten your legs. If you have pain it’s probably somewhat hip related!
That sucks buddy, my dad has all those issues, lumbar pops out, surgery, can’t barely move sometimes, and I am of no help.
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