SB Labs

Some excitement from last night

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Seeing these types of accidents was why I actually moved into the city when I was heavy drinking. When you can walk to bar worst you may get is falling over no duis or car accidents. That said I think I still got piece of elbow floating Around from night I slipped on ice. The pizza didn’t spill though but man I was covered in blood when I got home
Had a drunk kid one night, smacked into a tree, pinned in the car. I get in to evaluate and his eye is hanging outnof his head. The mother fucker starts spiting blood in my face so I take a non rebreather mask and jam it over his mouth and tell him, I’m going to fucking suffocate you if you don’t stop. He stopped. Can’t do that anymore with bodycams
Holy shit!! Your job is nuts!!! It’s gotta be an adrenaline rush all the time. Does that ever go away. Do you ever get use to it?
Had a 27 year old OD last night. Was on the toilet naked. Pulled him off worked him for about 20 min then called it
Heroin and fentanyl cut down a lot of my friends in the last 10 years. Also has seemed to have a disproportionate effect on all my bro’s who were Vets. A lot of kids without dads. A lot of wasted potential. Good men, not the traditional depiction of shit bird no account junkies. Breaks my heart.
My worst nightmare. Dying naked on a toilet. I pray that the first person that found me would drag me into the hallway and at least throw some underwear on me. Then call 911
I used to carry narcan on me and verywhere when I was part of the game. Didn’t deal I. Opiates but had friends who od’d on fent laced coke. Shut sucks but ods are like advertisements for dealers now
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