SRX is gone sorry I have no control over this type of thing


So everyone im going to say that SRX is gone no reason to keep posting.
You can continue to keep posting about how mad you are but stop posting about losing out were not a market place or src board.
I have been extremely leanant about introductions and the rules.

From this point forward anything that breaks the rules for a post about SRX will be flagged.
If you’re going to complain make sure that you have written an introduction or your really not part of the community yet just a small background stats experience a little bit.

I look forward to everyone sticking around this probably won’t happen but I will say that it hurts the only time 60 members come back to post is when someone ghosted them
I appreciate you posting especially @n3rd who was the first you should all thank him for having the courage to protect the community.

Thanks brother @n3rd from Banned for sure.

SRX has a couple more days and will dissapear from ugmuscle.

We only allow the best to advertise

Thanks @UGMain Banned
Yeah everyone is working so its really hard for everyone to get on but you are active it took a really bad situation for others 2yrs 3yrs 6 months timeframes like that to come back I understand I would also like to see everyone stick around and just post some help for guys every now and then I definitely understand though how busy life is and that definitely comes 2nd only to family so ugmuscle is 3rd hopefully lol
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This is sad news to say the least, It’s also sad that it takes something like this to bring people out of the woodwork, like @Bigmurph, it would be nice for these people to try and be more active all the time, not just when shit hits the fan. This place is the little bit of stability I have besides my job in my life, everything else is a fucking roller coaster and everyone here helps me tremendously when I’m going through the downs
Yeah I would love to add back in another 100+ active members it would be amazing and even more active than we already are that’s more reading and more oversight in the community about sponsors.

I do understand life is difficult and not everyone has time to post but I would definitely like everyone to join and post
It kills me when people get mad about something that they should already know could go sideways it’s risk/ reward. If you go into this without expecting some issue your not educating yourself. Always make contact . stay active in community, then you know if something is afoot. Don’t just go to automatic site. Who knows what happened, happens will happen. I can say this much I have never been led astray from any situation as long as I keep active in community. I mean hell bitcoin ate 500$ the other week on me for no fucking reason. It’s gone. Shit happens your either above it, in it, or under it. I know where I wanna be
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Boss you guys have kept us going for a long time. And the one thing I can say is the site still has its morals I watched one with damn good people crash and burn. Rather see one good sponsor than 20 fly by nights hell no sponsors if it means sacrificing honesty and integrity.
I will never sacrifice our goal at ugmuscle to allow only the best to advertise and to only protect members never protect sponsors.

A sponsor at ugmuscle should never need protection there the best around

Were also not like other forums there’s no source who owns ugmuscle and no one here on ugmuscle is allowed to take place in any market place activity so were all clean and this helps alot because we can’t be blackmailed or extorted.

Ugmuscle will always be here because we have rules in place that are there for specific reasons and the biggest reason is so that we don’t ever dissapear
I only tell the truth here and in real life. Its much easier that way lol

I just enforce the rules so no one should really be mad at me I didn’t write the rules except number 22 added in this year so everyone knows and understands.

Im glad to have you hear brother and no where else im not sure what happened to the forum you were at im a little curious how it went to shit?
You know where, The moderators Watching it burn for some free gear to the page owner. I get the loyalty part if sponsors pays for the site . But not the false advertising or selective scamming. No need to have a ranking system if it’s biased. I’m
Sure you could figure it out if you wanted to. Hell @Bigmurph when I saw your name here I was freaking off the chain. Another member of that site showed me this one she said “this is the place to be.” so …… his is the place to be…so here I be
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Gotcha yeah its corrupt that’s why we don’t rank sponsors there all number 1 at ugmuscle we don’t allow number 2s

When you say she how is she doing?