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SB Labs

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U get a cough / were it litterally feels like your lungs tightn up to wear it feels like they are being pulled down to your belly button from TEST???
No, just clipping veins and the standard test flu. Maybe you had an underlying cold/flu at the time?
Which may have exasperated any issues???
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I believe when it does happen, it’s in your blood and gets carried to your lungs, hence the cough… I just don’t want people thinking it means your stuff is good/or not good cause something like that happens, I’ve seen a lot of people make remarks where they base there opinions on the side effects.
Very true on that like you said earlier about some may have the side effects some maynot like I havent yet had the night sweats very so little of haven a hardtime sleeping but snapping out of knowhere not yet if ever so little or highblood pressure an im useing 150mg eod with 200mg of test prop and 200mg a week of test cyp
You can most definitely get Tren cough this is through nicking vein , capilariey whatever the case may be is how much Tren you actually got in your blood, sometimes it’s a light cough, itchy scalp , bodyheat rises and so on and sometimes you’ll literally feel like your dying. But from personal experience the more experience you have with Tren it tends to be no bad at all, you just learn to live with it lol
I was defiantly going to go with tren a initially but just did a npp cycle and I was getting sick of pinning eod to be honest. So far I’ve pinned 3 times so it being a long ester haven’t felt a ton different but the past few nights I couldn’t sleep to well and I’ve felt a bit warmer and sweating a lot more during workouts but no night sweats yet. I know they are coming though I had night sweats on npp almost every night
So I’ve pinned 4 times now and I’m not sure if it’s coincidence or what but I’ve had lower back pain and lower abdominal pain pretty much a dull ache and my appetite is gone. I’ve been pretty lethargic also. I had my estro checked today just in case it was that and it was 32.9 so not really high. Any one experience and sides from tren like this?
You might be not reacting well to the Tren brotha, have you ran Tren before, also you on any orals? Tren will kill appetite to an extent,. but as far as these pains you mention brotha I’m not a doctor and don’t wanna give you false/fake info.
First time running tren but I started to do some more research and a lot of people get acid reflux from tren apparently and can cause my symptoms. They recommend taking like Prevacid so I went and got some and I’ll give it a few more days. If I just didn’t have bloods done I’d probably stop right away but everything is pretty good. If it doesn’t stop I’ll probably just stop the tren unfortunately
Keep us updated man,.if the pain persists and it’s getting in the way with daily life I’d see a doc, It could really be one of thousand things. I can tell you this when I due a bad inject in the glute I get lower back pain especially around the coxcic ( spell check ) area
I hit a bad spot in my ventro the other day and my hip joint is killing me. Make sure you get that in the muscle amd deep enough.
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