SB Labs

Second touchdown from Platinum

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There is folks I’ve known that have hereditary cholesterol problems.

Do you have past labs you can refer to prior to or in between the sauce. That may show a trend.
Looking at your labs again. 227 cholesterol is not egregious. Your triglycerides are great.

It’s the very low hdl (good cholesterol) and high ldl (bad cholesterol) that throws up the flag.
Poppy said:
Do you have past labs you can refer to prior to or in between the sauce. That may show a trend.
I have a trend between usage of 500 vs 1g. Cant remember what I was running at the time of the 500…if by itself or with Deca or tren… or any pwo oral…

Definitely trending up buddy.

Maybe eyeball your diet a little closer and cut back on your oral’s until your next labs.

If you shotgun it, you’ll never know what’s causing your skewed lipids.

Cutting back on one thing at a time will give you an idea of what you can expect when you decide to add it back in.

Of course wrangling your diet is a constant.

Just pick one ped and either eliminate it or cut back to what you think is a reasonable dose.

Look waaay down the road. One of these days when you’re in your 50’s you look back and either kick or thank yourself.
Ripgut said:
I have a trend between usage of 500 vs 1g. Cant remember what I was running at the time of the 500…if by itself or with Deca or tren… or any pwo oral…
You’ve got to recall that stuff.

Is it 1g total or 1g test plus others?
Poppy said:
Is it 1g total or 1g test plus others?
Just 1g test. So I’m cut back on the test. Diet is superb dude no bullshit. Grits and eggs… Rice and chicken rice and chicken rice and chicken… Protein shake… 3/4 to a gallon of water.
Looking at it again… all of your lipid markers are trending the wrong way since June 2023. If your next labs (soon I hope maybe 90 days) show the same path…you might have to reconsider what you’re doing.

Sounds like diet is good. Non-smoker? Non-drinker?

You might respond negatively to high test. That looks like the constant increasing input. Some folks don’t need that much t and get negative sides or “diminishing returns”.

I’ve always been of the opinion like mentioned above by someone else that there’s some folks that can run high amounts of peds with very little consequences. I’ve also thought that real big dudes like @Dirtnasty (300 pounds) can generally tolerate more. Keep in mind he’s over a hundred pounds heavier than us.
Of course. That’s why I’ve already dialed back. And no smoker non drinker i do look at at what you guys suggest that’s why I’m on telemarisan now. And I just can’t rush back into the doctors she’s waiting on more testing and then I would see her
Poppy said:
all of your lipid markers are trending the wrong way since June 2023.
That’s why I’m curious what he dialed back to. That’s 500 of test I believe. So hopefully we’re back to trt levels until straighter out.
She probably did because standard protocol is for them to prescribe statins. Big pharma for you. Ezetimibe is not a statin but very effective at lowering cholesterol.
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