SB Labs

Second touchdown from Platinum

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Cardio isn’t a bad idea. Maybe a short hi/lo on treadmill a couple times a week.

If you go 10-12 minutes at 30-60 seconds at pretty good walking clip with 30-60 seconds of slower speed. Repeat for 10 minutes or so.

That’ll get you a lot of bang for your buck. Burn some fat preserve muscle and most importantly you won’t be a cardio queen on a machine plodding along for an hour.

You can also do a barbell complex. There’s many on the web. Very short duration that wear you out in a short amount of time. There’s many kbell finishers.
I’ve had the evil 8 pinned on my gym wall for 20 years.

A 45 lb barbell with 10 pound plates. Is plenty. The intention is to move extremely fast with form being secondary. Hence the lighter weight.

You start and don’t put the barbell down until your 90 second rest. I promise you this doesn’t take long and is exhausting.

It’s from A Cosgrove. He trained a ranked heavyweight ufc fighter that used 95 pounds if that tells you how brutal it is. Someone posted here years ago that he seen someone use 225 pounds. I call bs. I would have to see the complete video to accept it has truth. The intent is complete speed. Without putting the bb down or resetting.

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You can see my home made fat bar. 65 pound bb. That pic is from a long time ago. The fat bar has a new layer of athletic tape now.
We just need to start a thread that’s titled RIPGUT AND HIS FUCKED UP LABS.and the steps to take…that would be fine with me With that being said @johnjuanb1 as far as platinum gear goes. ANOTHER UPDATE. The prior gear I was using I would have a little hardness in the injection site. Nothing crazy I could just feel where I injected. But with this Platinum shit when I went to touch my pecs where the injection site was there wasn’t any mild hardness at all, just straight muscle fibers. This shit really disperses into the muscle tissues like I’ve never had before. Doesn’t even feel like I pinned at all. JJ always talking about how smooth it is and now I really know. He ain’t bullshittin and I’m here to second the smoothness he speaks of
EDIT: meant to say “far from the worst”

Nah brother. You’re labs are far from the worst I’ve seen. I’ve got my labs (somewhere) going back at least 15 years.

I’ve had ckd (chronic kidney disease) markers of 3a and 3b…. Blood glucose and a1c almost off the chart. Liver enzymes and lipds way in the tank.

I had a proposed cycle I posted here with full disclosure (labs). @Neuro vand @TBU not so gently cyber slapped me. I listened and they were right and here I am rolling on 63 in pretty great health.

I promise everyone is just trying to help but in the end it’s free will brother. You’re the captain of your ship.
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Im not stressing to the point of freaking out. I am stressing to the point of making adjustments. I know it’s the gear for sure. And I was also adding small stressers like eating a shit load of cheese. Which is high in saturated fats. Also not taking my fish oil for about 6 weeks. Getting blood work done after a major stresser in my life with my girl cheating. Cardio was zilch. Being an enthanate it will take some time. Soon as my test and estrogen results are in I’ll be at the doctor’s office
Now you’re using your head. Make adjustments as you see fit. Charlie Mike (continue mission).
See my edit above.

Meant to say… your labs are far from the worst that I’ve seen….
I was just telling someone that you said that…🤣🤣🤣… I was like I don’t get it he had all these negatives marks for himself but said mine was the worst he’s seen. I was like damn… Haha thanks for the edit… Makes me feel a lot better…
The big takeaway is you’ve been trending in the wrong direction for 6 months now. You should probably try and reverse that. Just think in 6 more months…where will you be.
Of course man. And I’m glad to see you HAD ckd… Sounds like you corrected it and got it fixed… that’s great man…
Quit booze for over ten years now.

Drink lots of water and diet cranberry juice.

Keep a very close eye on renal markers and the labs as a whole… everything effects everything in one way or another.
I still have ckd it’s just under control. My dads mom died from ckd. Probably didn’t call it that back then.
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rnmuscle said:
Do deca or Npp too. Or just do 1/2 durabolin half tren… then full tren for 6 weeks. All that shit right there will GEt you hard and big. 10 pounds of hard muscle is a ton. I always wondered how can you go from 200 to 240 then end up at 214 without heavy diet. People stop training hard. Stop eating. I know for sure. the last 2 -3 years was only time in my life that I didnt like posing. ON or OFF. I still weighed about the same, on or off for 20 years. Your not an idiot, I weighed and looked like hard 250 versus softer 240 but the outline was there. if it was 405 for 10 on stuff it was 345 for 10 off, mostly because tendons were sore. You could hit all those goals , go off , then back on. The receptors get hungry again!
@rnmuscle I found it brother.
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