I agree with myself,
. If you do 750 test and respond great, other things like nor 19, Dht derivatives. I think a cycle should have all three. I believe your body doesn’t know sets and reps or AAs. I always go off, always have. I try to aim for half the time on for long acting and the same for short and orals but if your on test LA, Deca, and Anavar. I drop the Anavar, then deca, then test. After 12 weeks, I , you, should continue easily for 2 weeks, then by 4, your starting to feel “off”. Then just cut back a bit on intensity and your at 6 weeks. Everyone is on all year, something. My labs get remarkably better and if at 4 weeks, you feel like total shit, then ramp it up again. I used to always do hcg and clomid until it just didn’t really make a difference. My test was total 23, after 10 years of abuse. No drinking, no smoke, GhB yes and I stayed off for 3 months. At 3months I took clomid again at 100mg for 2 weeks, 50mg for 2 weeks. Was half responsible for making a daughter. I remained off for 18 months, longest ever and I kept training, when I went back on it was like first real time. Just amazing. Then everyone started the 10000kcal/days, grams and grams of AAS
All we could do was train and sleep, trying to digest. How is Platinum stuff. Dumb question but I’m gonna get a chance to really soak it up. Happy Days …

All we could do was train and sleep, trying to digest. How is Platinum stuff. Dumb question but I’m gonna get a chance to really soak it up. Happy Days …