SB Labs

Second touchdown from Platinum

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I agree with myself, 😉. If you do 750 test and respond great, other things like nor 19, Dht derivatives. I think a cycle should have all three. I believe your body doesn’t know sets and reps or AAs. I always go off, always have. I try to aim for half the time on for long acting and the same for short and orals but if your on test LA, Deca, and Anavar. I drop the Anavar, then deca, then test. After 12 weeks, I , you, should continue easily for 2 weeks, then by 4, your starting to feel “off”. Then just cut back a bit on intensity and your at 6 weeks. Everyone is on all year, something. My labs get remarkably better and if at 4 weeks, you feel like total shit, then ramp it up again. I used to always do hcg and clomid until it just didn’t really make a difference. My test was total 23, after 10 years of abuse. No drinking, no smoke, GhB yes and I stayed off for 3 months. At 3months I took clomid again at 100mg for 2 weeks, 50mg for 2 weeks. Was half responsible for making a daughter. I remained off for 18 months, longest ever and I kept training, when I went back on it was like first real time. Just amazing. Then everyone started the 10000kcal/days, grams and grams of AAS
All we could do was train and sleep, trying to digest. How is Platinum stuff. Dumb question but I’m gonna get a chance to really soak it up. Happy Days …
Oh I responded Great. So did my cholesterol (high) so I backed off. Going to get more labs at the end of April and see where I’m at after making a few adjustments. Far as Platinum goes. FUCKING WOW to say the least. Definitely the smoothest gear I’ve ever ran. Only have pinned the Test so far… But man my strength gains ain’t never been like this. Could be that high dosage before I backed off. 🤷… I’m still strong as shit throwing up numbers I don’t usually throw. Keeping the rep range no less than 10 so I’m adding weight just nothing crazy. I am excited to run a cycle with platinum just waiting to get more lab work done. I have 8 different compounds I can play with so it’ll be fun one for sure considering the strength gains I’ve achieved just running test. My weight is staying around 192 so I’m just marinating for now until I do more labs. All in all I fucking love platinum and I haven’t even started ramping it up yet. Thanks for the info…
Heck yeah! It’s smooth as butter.
I’m using a 27 gauge pin but I’ve actually used a 31 gauge pin without back filling it. It took some time but it sucked up test prop, deca, and masteron. I love the mct carrier oil!
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