Starting first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions

No clue, my natural reaction without realizing 😂. It was actually more scary I guess To me having my gf do it to me than me on myself… lol. Living and learning over here.
The more sites you use the better IMO, but I’d have to say delts are my go to as well. As far as timing I don’t think it matters at all. Just try to keep it consistent. Say if you decide to pin in the morning on scheduled days then stick with mornings your entire blast. Goodluck brotha, wish you the best!
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I use a 25ga 1.5" needle for all injections, delts, glutes, quads. I do notice I tense up more if someone else pins me, rather than doing it myself. For whatever reason 1" pins give me pip, perhaps my muscles don’t like it closer to the surface.
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Haha same here. Pinned yesterday and my delt is more sore this morning and I’m doing shoulders today. Hopefully it will help instead of hinder my workout lol.
Hello I am sids Brother and we are on the same cycle. This is my first cycle and I did my first injection on Monday with a 23G 1” needle and injected 2 mL of test E into my right thigh. It wasn’t too bad, I did feel the poke which grossed me out but the next day I went to work and I could barely walk and it made my job super difficult to perform. I do food service and unload trucks so it was pretty terrible. Now this is my second day and my leg is getting better so it seems I only suffer for one day after injection. Next week I’ll pin my left thigh and hopefully it’s not as bad as my first. Hoping after time I won’t suffer from pip cuz that shit fucking hurts lol.
Some people just never can pin quads. I can do the side of my quad. But not the top. Portion. Heat the oil, and slow injection helps. Keep off when pinning, relax the muscle as much as possible. If it’s virgin muscle, will take a few pins before it stops completely. Or I should say have low pip pain. Take a couple Motrin in the morning, that will take the edge off as well. If it doesn’t work, quads just aren’t for you. There’s plenty of other sites to use.
I pinned the outside of my quad not the top. That is one thing I forgot to do was heat the oil so I’ll make sure to do that next week and see if that will help a little. It’s virgin muscle for sure. I’m 26, 5’9, 165 pounds. I’ve been going to the gym for over 3 years but have seen close to no gains at all. I think the main issue was throughout puberty at 13-19 me and my brother both suffered from low testosterone 230-260 range and it always stayed that way. I have always been interested in going on cycle just wanted to wait till I was older and had a decent job and all that first. Now I can really put all my effort and time off into this and be able to afford decent food, Lol. I got blood work done a few days ago so waiting on results from that, then ill be getting it done again throughout my cycle to see how much my levels go up. I’ll give the motrin and other quad a shot next week and hopefully all this stuff will help because damn… That was no joke lol…

@John I have my girlfriend which is an RN doing all my injections for me currently but our work schedules are a bit off so I wanted to make sure I can pin myself if she is not available at a given time and I figured the thigh would be the easiest one to do yourself. I have not tried the glutes but heard it was a much better spot if someone is doing it for you. I did have one question for you guys… I am injecting 500mg a week 1 shot a week but my brother is doing 250 2x a week. Is there a difference in this or does it really not matter? I will probably buy some 25’s now. The 23g needle injected the fluid quick but it felt like a dialysis needle with the initial poke lol.