Starting first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions

Yes twice a week will give your body a more stable flow of test and not spike it all at once.
An even consistency on hormones is the key.
Welcome to the board.
I’m also doing the same now 500mg per week.
Will be adding in 200mg of tren E next month.
Welcome man, We’re practically same stats Except for weight, on my first cycle as well feel free to check out any of my posts / topics. Search bar is your best friend.
yeah like @Dirtnastysaid I’d do 1ml for example on Monday’s and thursdays. Doing that, warming up test, and 25g Needles will make it more manageable and smoother, less pip.
I bet. I was nervous for my first shot and considering how shitty it went I’m going to be even more so for my next lol. Seriously considering on changing the injection site or something. Not sure if I can handle another fucked up quad at work especially in my dominant leg.
@Dirtnasty - Noted! Thanks for your input.

@Ominous - Alright and thank you. Glad to be apart of the team. Is that your fist cycle? Let me know how that tren works or makes you feel. I was planning on running a T/tren cycle for my second cycle depending on how my first one goes.

@CFIT - Thanks man. Yeah I’ll make sure to do that. Still on here just fishing around getting the hang of the layout of the site and what not. So due to my work schedule I can’t pin on Monday/Thursday. I will take every ones advice and starting next week on Monday I will pin 1cc then Friday another cc and ill give that 23g needle a shot as well and see how that pans out. Hopefully Monday/Friday is okay since I can’t do Thursday, hope that isn’t much of a difference. Let me know how your first cycle goes!

@John Lol I havn’t done it myself yet but I know there will come a time where I will have no choice. I am covered from neck to toe with tattoos yet for some reason this injection thing is bugging me. I know i can do it but I’m a pussy leading up to the moment lmao.
Yeah man you’ll be good, doesn’t have to be mon & Thursday’s. Just every 3rd / 4th day you’ll be good. I’ve made some really great gainz so far surprisingly earlier than I anticipated, made a post on it a few days ago. Just been maxing out with a strict Diet & training like an animal.
Yes the redi -jects with a 18g 1.5” on it not removable. 50ml bottles of EQ.
High school friends father was a vet and raced greyhound dogs. That is where most my high school got gear from. 1988-1992
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@CFIT Alright cool. What kind of gains have you been getting? Strength gains? Good shit though keep it up. I hope I can get decent gains but here the gyms are closed till Aug 31’st so thats a 2-3 week waste of gear. I’m stuck working out at home and running at the park.

@Ominous Long time brother. Goodluck with the Tren… Will be expecting a review lol.

@TBU Yeah screw that… Lmao… Maybe with a lidocaine shot first haha.
Strength yes somewhat, Couple minor injuries have forced me to do more volume, but gains size wise actually. I used measuring tape to check all muscle groups Size to compare back to later. End of week 3 I gained anywhere from 1/2 - 2 inches of size depending on the muscle & I’ve been cutting in a deficit for awhile surprisingly.

I personally would’ve waited for a gym man, I know it’s tough when your itching to start, lol. I had my cycle ready too & also had to wait a few extra weeks to start for personal reasons. But Hey, you only get 1 first cycle to do it right, I want my diet and training to be as efficient as possible, it’ll take a few weeks I suppose for your Test to peak but I don’t think I would’ve made near the gains without a gym.