Starting first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions

That’s pretty legit gains just for testosterone and a deficit. Curious where you will be end cycle.

I honestly just got lucky and am going to start going to the gym Friday, so I only missed three workouts which isn’t bad. Just joined Lifetime and they said they have barbells, dumbbells, and a squat rack outside that they have moved but hey that’s all I need, and I cant afford to miss another day lol. My diet is pretty solid, my sleep however not so much… When you work 80 + hours a week and your not home 3 nights a week it becomes difficult… I only get 6 hours on my days off and 2 hours on the days of work. I spend alot of time at work on the road making deliveries, im usually out 25-30 hours a time so it sucks eating what I eat. I bring a routissourie chicken, celery, peanut butter, almonds, canned salmon, and some cheese and thats about it. It’s still over 180G of protein but thats shits brutal while everyone else im working with is eat milkshakes and pizza meanwhile still being naturally buff due to superior genetics… Go figure… Hahaha
My sponsor threw in tbol too so guess I should say maybe that’s helped too? lol but that’s a rigorous schedule man kudos to you for grinding so hard. Life’s time is a solid commercial gym they’re a bit pricey but whatever it takes! But welcome To the forum, make sure to switch your email to an encrypted email, good luck on that cycle let us know your results!
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Back in the day, if you didn’t want to carry across the boarder, you did what you had to do. 😂. Now? Fuck that. I’m old and done with the big gauge. 😂😂
I think it was a combination of below average testosterone (which is pretty rare during adolescence) and also no caloric surplus and a lack of sleep. Being ectomorphs and hard gainers we never were on a surplus like we should have been to gain strength and mass. Sleep could be a factor too. I only get 4-5 and a half hours of sleep per night but the weird thing is I feel fine and energetic running on that amount of sleep. No control over it either my body just wakes me up in that timeframe. We are lucky we found chicks willing to pin us otherwise I doubt we would have ever started a cycle lol. Only issue I am running into on this cycle so far is trying to consume enough calories a day to be on a surplus…I find myself constantly stuffing my face to meet daily goals and I feel like I’m walking around like a pregnant bitch in her 3rd trimester…
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I saw your workout routine on your thread. How is working out tri’s hard the day before a chest day feel? I have always thought muscles that work with the same movements should be paired together to avoid overtraining but obviously it is working for you as you have made gains. I have never gave that type of routine a try and may try it out in the future.
Yeah man your absolutely right, And sometimes I do do my splits like that. But I love getting the week started on a Monday with a killer session of Tri/Bi supersets. i definitely listen to my body for fatigue, but in general on a Tuesday where I’m Anticipating hitting chest and back for a push pull. I feel that Sore triceps hinder a chest workout more than sore biceps hinder a back workout. So sometimes on Tuesday I’ll hit just back if I’m feeling sore. But in general man weirdly I don’t feel that sore on Tuesday, usually the Ultimate soreness in my arms comes on Wednesday I guess from all the direct and indirect training. Wednesday is purely leg day for me. Usually I feel like That Tuesday night of rest, and all Wednesday Usually gives me adequate time to recover when my diet and water consumption are in check.
yeah man they are a bit pricey but it’s all good. Money isn’t an issue for me anymore now that I’m older it’s mainly just time 😂 I will do that thanks buddy!

@Everyone. Hey I got an awkward question and I have kind of hit a grey area around research and keep getting mixed reviews.
So as all know I’m on my first cycle of Test E and in my first week Monday will begin my second week.
I gave my mom Anavar Tablet’s she took for a month and stopped taking it so I’m left with about 80 tablets at 25 MG each. Should I throw in some anavar into my cycle as well or should I just stick with strictly the test?

Also, I have Nolvadex for my PCT however, I don’t have anything else. I don’t expect to experience any bad sides but you never know. I know I should have some Adex in hand just in case however I don’t currently. If I start experiencing bad sides with elevated estrogen will the nolva be good enough or should I order some adex just in case? I keep getting mixed reviews on this as well. Some say with such a mild cycle an AI isn’t typically used but then I see people running an ai on test cycles just to do it to prevent sides even if they aren’t experiencing any… Can anyone touch up on this please? Thanks 🙂
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I would go ahead and get the Adex on hand. I wouldn’t add the Anavar to your first cycle. Save it for later. As far as the PCT goes. You’re going to want Nolvadex and Clomid as they’re both a little different in what they do. I’d also recommend running Hcg at the end of cycle prior to your PCT. That’s just my opinion though.
Alright I’ll go ahead and pick up some clomid and Adex. Now with the Adex I don’t just start randomly taking it correct? I only start taking it if I start feeling some negative sides? Thanks Mossy for your input. I’ll save the anavar for another time and look into the hcg
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Yeah like @Mossy1985 said nolva and Clomid. Everyone’s body’s Aromatizes differently so some may or may not need an AI, but I personally ran 12mgs nolvadex daily, have 25mg tabs I split.

Maybe someone can add their two cents but this week (week 4) started feeling some sensitivity And a little puffiness in the nips So taking full tab 25mg of nolva daily and I’m taking 12.5mgs Of aromasin on Tues & Friday To see if that helps. obviously best to get blood work and not crash estro.
Hey man let me know how that aromasin works for ya. I just picked some up as I couldn’t get my hands on anything else currently at this time so I’ll start dosing small on that and see where it goes from there in the bloods. Have you done any blood tests yet??

I tried to go do a blood test today and the doctor was fucking weird! First I ask does this blood test check your testosterone levels? Her response was; no do you want me to check that for you? I said yes Then she asked me what’s the reason? I said I suspect low T then I asked if it checks estrogen too and she said no why do you need that checked… like wtf man why this bitch all in my business? Then I asked so do I have to have a prescription or something to get my hormones checked because I don’t know why your asking me all these questions and she said yes I needed one. So fuck it. I have one tomorrow at a walk in lab told them what I wanted and they said ok no problem. 200$ but owell lol.
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Soo I am kind of confused. I started my cycle on Aug 11 (first pin) and got blood work done on aug 15 However my first shot was 500mg test e. My results are 1587 T and 590 free T and my estrogen is 214. I was trying to see where my levels were at before everything kicked in but this appears to be sky rocketed just from 1 injection lol. Are these stats bad? according to the lab results both are “H” as in high.
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Lmao! I’m taking 1 mg of arimidex twice a week on pin days. But just started doing that this week. Think that should be good?
A good gauge for me is my nipples, if they are tender then that’s when I’ll know when to take my aromasin or armidex. But you have blood work and @Optumpharma is pretty good reading blood work he may have some suggestions