SB Labs

Steroid death?

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It’s crazy how being fat is normal nowadays lol.

I will say it’s hard to take dieting advise from fat people. For some reason they all seem to be experts on dieting.
How can a dietitian teach about diet if they are morbidly obese. I would not give any credibility to anything they said. It’s like a big walking contradiction. Might not be right of me and everything they say might be true but that’s just my knee jerk reaction.
Nah I totally understand the thought process. Same goes for the obese/alcoholic/ addict nurses telling their patients they need to exercise/stop drinking etc.
Yup. If you want to sell someone on something then you have to be what your selling. A guy has to live it in order to sell it. That’s one of my biggest incentives to permanently stop drinking. So I can be sober when the day comes that I have to preach it to my kids, hopefully won’t have too though.
It might not be a good one. There are lots of factors that can radically contribute to obesity in some people. Hormones, stomach disorders, digestive disorders, etc. We have no way of knowing whether the particular person in question has these kinds of issues. So I think it’s reaching to assume EVERY person who is overweight or obese is that way because it is purely a failure of personal responsibility.

Mom always said, “When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME.”

Let’s also not let ourselves forget that there are plenty of coaches and whatnot that are both obese and have never played pro ball.
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Very true. I’ve had many friends that were/are just big guys. They trained and were as strong as horses but they couldn’t lose the bf THEY thought they should. I used to tell them to be happy with what you got unless you want to torture yourself on a diet. They would also say they wanted to be their high school senior weight. I would tell them you’re a grown man now not a boy.

They were just big dudes a little pudgy but who cares.
Trying to put some fat on for
Meet and fuck I’m struggling. I either get sleep
For recovery and not eat enough or get all my food when
Working and don’t get sleep
Ya that’s true. But my initial response is purely instinct. It takes a second intentional thought to reprocess.
Have been honest. And if I ever tried to deceive them they would see right through it. That’s one good thing about addiction is you cannot hide it.
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