Summer 2022


Well-known member
Gonna start posting on here so figured I would post my current log on here. I haven’t had a clear goal for awhile so just started cutting for summer and having a target will be good for me. I am not getting any younger so I want to lower my bodyweight and try to improve my overall fitness.

I tried to use a small dose of tren (started at 10mg and moved up to 12mg, 14mg etc) the other week but I get really bad anxiety from it so I had to stop after 5 days. Since then I added some winny and proviron. Currently I am using 300mg test e every 4th day, 150mg primo EOD, 50mg winny and 25mg proviron preworkout. I also use 3ml synthetine (600mg inj l-carnitine) preworkout. I also just started 200mg DNP daily as well but starting to struggle as they are strong and the weather has improved recently.

I train Push, Pull, Legs and have days off whenever I need them but I will be in the gym 5 days most weeks. I tweaked my lower back recently so no stiff leg deadlifts or squat variation during my last leg workout…

Seated Calf Raises… 2 working sets with the last being a drop set (3 drops in weight).
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses… 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls… 2 working sets with the last being a drop set (2 drops in weight).
Leg Press… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Leg Extensions… 2 working sets with the last being a drop set (2 drops in weight).

My diet has been more restrictive recently but I added some carbs preworkout as I was training legs.

5 whole eggs, 2 pieces of toast (extra virgin olive oil), blueberries and blackberries.
Sirloin steak, jasmine rice and pineapple.

INTRA (3 scoops of fizzy cherry EAA’s, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
Chicken breast, green peas and sweetcorn.
Sirloin steak and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt with raspberries and walnuts.

I will sort out some pics soon I just need to shave first!
I haven’t weighed myself recently but I am probably closer to 250 now. I purposely come went down fast but now that will be much slower. I have upped my protein because it was too low (wasn’t in the mood to eat much meat) and with the added drugs on top of that I will stay a similar weight for the time being but lose body fat gradually.
I will assume you did a lot of research on DNP,and hydration and such … I use proviron every cycle,I feel more people should be making use of it.Apprecite you doing a log.
I actualy just stopped proviron I think with the amount of shit I’m using I’m already beating down shgb so I wan to see I how feel without. This might be due to me nbeing lazy and not opening new container
Thanks. Yes I have done a lot of research on DNP and have used it before. I know many who use it. It’s the best fat burner by a mile but it needs to be used with caution and many take far too much. I only use 1 cap per day and at the later stages of dieting to help get the last bit off and really tighten up my waist. I ensure I take in electrolytes through the day. The EAA’s I have also contain an electrolyte complex (just sodium and potassium) and I drink them in between meals.
Let me know how you feel proviron compares to masteron. I’m using masteron currently for estrogen reduction and hardening with no seen side effects. I only take 50mg masteron enanthate 3 days a week, and I’m switching to 25mg masteron propionate 3-4 days a week when this enan vial is done. I only tried proviron twice. The first time it made me too angry to function so I stopped it after a few days. The other time I used it at the final stages before a contest. I was on so many things I’m not sure what it did.
I have always used masteron and that compliments every cycle nicely. It’s especially good when you have test and/or nandrolone in the mix. I only added in 25mg proviron but with 50mg winny so it’s going to be hard to pinpoint what exactly I feel as they are not too dissimilar. I have used proviron years ago quite a lot though and at higher doses (50-75mg per day) and it always hardened me up. It actually done the same downstairs as well and I would often use it at 50mg before sex 😃 I haven’t felt that recently and my sex drive is actually lower in the last few weeks but I suspect that’s because I started a higher dose of my SSRI. I am feeling much better now but I am really lethargic especially the first half of each day.
I had a big night out on Sat (my first in months) and I went way overboard and regretted it. I woke up looking 5x drier though due to all the alcohol. I didn’t get in until 11am so I was a mess and I didn’t start feeling normal again until Thurs. I didn’t inject/take anything since last week because I felt so toxic. Every cloud has a silver lining and the lack of food meant my waist come in a lot. I joke and obviously it’s not ideal but still I am in a good place now. No more nights out for me and I am not going on holiday now so just going to be healthy and continue to improve gradually.

I started my winny/proviron before my 1st workout back which was on Thurs and I injected test/primo last night (Friday) so I am back on plan now. I have trained 3 days in a row and I am happy with how I am looking and I probably needed the blow out but I did go way overboard. Everything is locked in place now. The one supplement I did use this week was synthergine because I felt so toxic and I will carry that on at 4ml per day. My body felt so dry earlier in the week and I felt rough so figured have a break from training and it has done me some good. Now my body has come back to life and fast over the last few days. Yesterday I trained legs and it looked like…

Tri-set of…
(2 working sets)
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses
Seated Leg Curls
Leg Extensions

Tri-set of…
(2 working sets)
Seated Calf Raises
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls
Leg Press

Squat Machine… 2 working sets.


Today I trained push and it felt great.

Warm Up.

Superset of…
(2 working sets)
Machine Shoulder Press
DB Lateral Raises

Plate loaded Lateral Raise… 2 working sets for each arm separately.

Superset of…
(2 working sets)
Machine Flyes
Seated Chest Press

Superset of…
(1 working set)
DB Flyes
DB Presses

Lying DB Extensions… 2 working sets.
Standing Overhead DB Extensions… 1 working set for each arm.
Tri-cep cable pushdowns… 1 working set.

Calf Extensions… 3 working sets.

5 whole eggs, 2 pieces of toast (grassfed butter) and blueberries.
Chicken Soup with potatoes, cannellini beans, chickpeas, carrot, celery and spinach.

3ml synthetine, 50mg winstrol, 25mg proviron and 5mg cialis.
INTRA (20g grape flavoured EAA’s, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
Chicken breast, green peas and sweetcorn.
Sirloin steak and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
FAGE 0% fat yoghurt with raspberries and mixed nuts.

3iu HGH.

Tomorrow will likely be a day off but I plan to take Flex out on a big walk for approx 90mins and I will do some stretching at home.
My current health supplements…

Fish Oil (High EPA)- 6g per day.
Vitamin D- 4,000iu per day.
Nattokinase- 4,000FU per day.
Multivitamin- 2 servings per day.
Curcumin (liquid)- 2 servings per day (240mg curcuminoids).
Digestive Enzyme Blend- 2 servings per day.
Synthergine- 4ml per day.

I have recently added a new product that contains ingredients that are great for cholesterol and heart health. It’s called LipidMAX by Strom Sports. I take 1 serving per day now so the following amounts.

1 serving…
Lysine 5000mg
Vitamin C 1000mg
Citrus bergamot 500mg
Grapeseed Extract 500mg
CoQ10 250mg
Where do I start. I know I have been bad with this log recently but things are good. No matter what my training is always on point. The things that can move off track are my drug taking and nutrition but it’s never overly bad and easy to get back from. Notwithstanding for optimal training/recovery you obviously need every other area working for you. Anyway I relaxed things a little and just went on feel and ate when I was hungry. I still wanted to lose body fat I just didn’t worry about having a perfect macro set up and high protein diet so it’s far from optimal but will still work.

As long as you have a decent base you are not going to melt away and the same goes for the drugs as well. That’s why it’s always bizarre to me when guys are worrying about going on holiday for a week or 2 and how are they going to get their drugs over with them. Now if you come off cold turkey for months you will melt away but for me instead of doing my EOD shots I was doing it weekly so for a short time it worked out around 250mg test and 100mg primo per week which is plenty. I should note that is above TRT so I am not looking at it as TRT it was just a low dosed cycle for a short time. When I come off that will be approx 150mg test per week but as I have mentioned I don’t mind staying on for longer periods because I always come down very so often.

The main thing that resulted in me losing my look was I started eating low calories and pretty much low protein, low carbs and moderate fats. My body loves carbs so I flattened out a lot and whilst I was losing body fat I didn’t look good. On top of that I hadn’t shaved for ages so my upper body was smaller/flat and covered in hair so not a good look.

The good news is I transformed quickly by simply lowering fat and upping carbs. I had that planned all a long I just wanted to have a period doing the opposite the only thing that wasn’t in my plan was eating so little protein in that time but I had some high days. Now I wouldn’t have transformed if I hadn’t have done the diet that flattened me out so whilst things were relaxed there was method in my approach. My body loves a higher carb and lower fat diet. Although you often see guys talking about 1000g carbs but for me things were moderate and only 400-500g on my higher days. Moderate days in the 200-300g range and some lower day at 100g carbs as well.

I am still using test and primo but I increased my frequency to twice weekly and I also added in 150mg deca on each of those days. So it’s about 500-600mg test, 300mg deca and 200mg primo. I know that dose of primo doesn’t make much sense but it’s simply 1ml twice weekly. I do 1ml test, 1ml primo and 0.5ml deca. I randomly swop test esters so my dose is either 1ml test e (300mg) or 1ml test c (250mg). What has really helped is I have added in 20mg aromasin twice weekly (injection nights) and 20mg nolva daily. On top of that nearly 3ml synthetine preworkout every training day and that has really helped with everything.

Just those little changes with the new diet and I have transformed over the last week. My plan for the next few weeks is to do approx 3 low, 3 moderate and 1 high carb day each week. On top of that I will add in 2ml syntheselen into my preworkout protocol. I got new pics done and I look bursting full even on these lower carb amounts I am just that sensitized to them. The best thing is I plan to finish with a bang and will add in adrol and winny so those with everything else and my current diet and I will only get fuller and tighter over the next month.

Training is still Pull, Push and Legs. Probably asking for trouble but I have been rack pulling, stiff leg deadlifting and squatting (albeit in the smith) recently and my lower back hasn’t gone (doing various things to prevent it). My last 2 training session looked like…

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Raises… 1 working set.
Chest Supported T-Bar High Row… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Lat Pulldown… 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row… 2 working sets for each side.
Machine Row… 1 working set.
Rack Pulls… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Seated EZ Bar Curls… 2 working sets.
DB Hammer Curls… 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.
DB Wrist Curls… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).

Cable Laterals supersetted with Cable Front Raises… 2 working sets for each arm.
DB Lateral Raises… 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
High Incline Smith Press… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Flat Bench Cable Flyes… 1 working set.
DB Chest Press… 1 working set.
Tri-cep Dips… 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Skull Crushers… 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.

Oats made with oat milk, 1 banana and 1.5 servings of chocolate brownie protein powder.
Rump steak, jasmine rice and pineapple

INTRA (EAA’s, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and Mediterranean vegetables (courgette, red pepper, yellow pepper, cherry tomato, aubergine and red onions).
Low fat cottage cheese with raspberries and blueberries.

Those 3 meals post workout were made in a giant pan with 600g raw chicken breast, 1 pack of jasmine rice (around 80g carbs) and 1 whole pack of frozen vegetables (70g carbs) so it’s 150g for the 3 meals so 50g per meal. The 1st 2 meals are approx 130g carbs each and the last meal around 40g carbs so in total it’s around 450g carbs. On moderate days I am keeping it simple and basically having chicken and berries afterwards. 1 day I literally had blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries with chicken for 4 meals. The other 2 meals were oats and jasmine rice earlier on so around 300g for the day. I love blue dragon’s sweet chilli sauce but even the low sugar version is loaded in sugar so whilst it’s not ideal for many meals I have that with chicken and it works out about 30g carbs/sugar. As long as I keep fats low I am gtg. A long winded post but a lot to cover for the last 6 weeks.