Summer 2022

I remember before I started getting anxiety I ran high eq very early on years back. I also dosed things very high as I hadn’t even used it before. I think I done 900mg test e and 900mg eq. It may have even been 1200mg test and 900mg eq and it was around my 4th cycle. Years later I recall injecting 1ml (300mg) and I had horrible anxiety the next day and it stayed with me for a few weeks but faded over time. I ran eq a few times early on and never had issues but after I started getting anxiety I had issues with eq and tren (and hcg) but everything else was fine.
I trained legs today and went hard. Same issue with my knees leg pressing but nothing overly bad but I kept it to 6pps because they still hurt a lot so I really focused on form, tempo and done high reps. All other movements felt fine and I pushed everything and went heavy on most movements. I added in quite a few drop sets today for fun and to hit many effective reps in a short time period.

Standing Calf Raises… 2 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises… 2 working sets the last being a drop set.
Lying Leg Curls… 1 working drop set.
Seated Leg Curls… 1 working drop set.
Hip Adductors… 1 working set.
Leg Press… 2 working sets.
Smith Squats… 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions… 1 working drop set.

Oats, whey protein (chocolate peanut butter flavour), banana and almond milk.
Chicken breast, basmati rice and sweet chilli sauce.
Rump steak, jasmine rice and pineapple.

3ml synthetine and 2 scoops of Dorian Yates Blood and Guts.
INTRA (2 scoop of EAA’s, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and black grapes.
Chicken breast, basmati rice and blueberries.
Cottage cheese and raspberries.

If anyone wonders if I have mango or pineapple with rice I have the fruit in the rice and it tastes amazing. I also like to eat pineapple with steak. Pineapple tastes amazing when cooked but for the bromelain content I usually don’t cook it. If I have blueberries, raspberries or grapes then I usually eat them when the rice is cooking (I usually eat the meat first) or just after the meal. I usually have half a pack but it varies and on average for blueberries or raspberries I have anywhere between 100-250g per meal and for grapes or strawberries I have 200-250g per meal.

Tomorrow will be a day off but I will have a big PULL day on Thursday and I look forward to it. I will add in a stiff leg deadlift amongst other things. I am also going to start using 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen preworkout for the rest of this month. I will start DNP this weekend and run that at 1 cap per day for about 9 days. That will give me a few days then another week to fill out before I go away.
I didn’t inject my black top hgh for about 4 days and all I have done is piss the last few days. I feel like I have lost a lot of fullness but nothing a push day pump didn’t sort out. It was definitely making me hold a lot of water though which I didn’t mind. I am not even coming off it I was just away then I missed another day but I will dose it again tonight pre bed and carry on as usual. I will make sure I dose it everyday now for the next 2 weeks but stop a few days before going away because I don’t want to be pissing 10-15 times per day when I go away

Everything else is the same and the other day I dosed 300mg test and 240mg eq. I have just started 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen preworkout and that feels great. That will help my vascularity which is a goal of mine for the next few weeks. HGH will be 1/4 of a vial (approx 3.75iu) for the next 4 days then I will do 1/3 of a vial (approx 5iu) per day after that.

I start DNP tonight (gonna take my 1st cap very soon) and will dose it at 1 cap per day for this mini cut. It’s gonna last 1-2 weeks and I will follow a very simple approach. My 1st meal of each day will be oats, whey protein, banana and almond/oat milk. That meal will contain around 100g carbs. The rest of my meals will be meat (mainly steak) and some vegetables and berries. So I will fill up every morning and by the end of the day I will be empty. I will drink water and eaa’s throughout the day as well.

My diet today was the usual for the 1st 3 meals. So oats (etc) then meat, rice and fruit for 2 meals. Those meals were pre and post workout. My next meal will be a big steak with some vegetables. Then I will have a tub of cottage cheese before bed.

My last 2 training days looked like…

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Raises… 1 working set.
Reverse Pec Deck… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Chest Supported T-Bar High Row… 1 working set.
Lat Pulldown… 1 working set.
Plate loaded Machine Row… 1 working drop set.
Unilateral Machine Row… 1 working set for each side.
Barbell Shrugs (Front)… 1 working set.
Barbell Shrugs (Back)… 1 working set.
Rack Pulls… 2 working sets.
DB Hammer Curls… 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.
DB Spider Curls… 1 working set.
Reverse Curls… 1 working set.

DB Lateral Raises… 3 working sets.
Incline Bench DB Y Raises… 2 working sets.
Standing DB Arnold Presses… 1 working set.
Seated DB Shoulder Press… 1 working set.
Low Incline Smith Press… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Pec Deck supersetted with Machine Chest Press… 2 working sets.
Chest Dips… 1 working set.
Tri-cep Pushdowns… 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Skull Crushers… 1 working set.
Overhead Tri-cep Extensions… 1 working set.
Machine Extensions… 2 working sets (right, left, both).

Most of my pressing movements today were for higher reps and slightly less weight than usual. I am still going to complete failure just aiming for approx 15-20 (at least 10) reps per set. I will carry this on for the next few weeks as I have been pushing some lower reps at times and I know I can’t carry that on every week. Tonight is probably going to be a hot night
Last night I started DNP (200mg). I usually feel the heat pretty fast but this time I was fine in the night and woke up with no sweat. I did have the bedroom window open with the cold air coming in though. I also slept with just a bed sheet and no duvet inside so most people would probably be freezing with that and the open window but I like the cold. I started feeling hotter as the day went on but nothing bad. I was hot in the gym but I dosed 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen preworkout so that’s not unusual with that combo. I am going to dose my 2nd cap soon so I expect things to build up through the days as it always does. 1st day of my mini cut diet wise looked like…

Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), banana and almond milk (approx 100g carbs).
5 whole eggs, 1 piece of toast and an apple (approx 40g total carbs).

3ml synthetine and 1.5 scoops of Dorian Yates Blood and Guts.
INTRA (2 scoop of EAA’s, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Rump steak, broccoli, green peas and green beans.
Sirloin steak, mixed peppers, onions and garlic.
1/2 roast chicken.

Standing Calf Raises… 3 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises… 2 working sets the last being a drop set.
Lying Leg Curls… 2 working sets the last being a drop set.
Seated Leg Curls… 1 working set.
Unilateral Leg Press… 2 working sets for each leg.
Smith Squats… 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions… 1 working set.

Tomorrow is an off day but I will be active plus I plan to take Flex out for at least 2 hours through the day.
I look like shit but things are really good [image] My body does not look good on low carbs and I flatten out straightaway. On tops of that I am holding water from the HGH and DNP so I am flat and soft but I am losing fat underneath it all. The changes in 1 week are going to be massive that I can tell. Once I fill back out I will look 10x better. I am fast tracking the fat loss so calories have been very low for me. This time round 200mg DNP has been very easy so after 1 week at 200mg I will up the dose to 400mg today. I will dose 200mg AM/PM so I dosed 200mg pre workout earlier and I will 200mg pre bed. I will run it at 400mg for about 4-5 days so not a long time but more than enough for what I am trying to do.

Today training was high volume and I even included some cardio and abs so it was a struggle. I then spent 15mins in the sauna and after a shower it was a 30 min walk home with my back pack so plenty of activity. I drank approx 3 litres of water intra workout.

Seated Calf Raises… 2 working sets (approx 50 reps each set).
Cable Lateral Raises… 1 working set for each arm.
DB Lateral Raises… 2 working sets.
Incline Bench DB Y Raises… 2 working sets.
High Incline DB Shoulder Press… 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Pec Deck… 1 working set.
Machine Chest Press… 1 working set.
DB Chest Flyes… 1 working set.
DB Chest Press… 2 working sets.
Chest Dips… 1 working set.
Tri-cep Pushdowns… 2 working sets.
Overhead Tri-cep Cable Extensions… 2 working sets.
Machine Extensions… 2 working sets.
Rowing Machine for 10 mins at a very fast/hard pace.
Abs and Stretches.

Oats, whey protein (chocolate and peanut butter flavour), banana and almond milk (approx 75g carbs).
Chicken breast, salad and a pink lady apple.

2.5ml synthetine and 1ml syntheselen with 1.5 scoops of Dorian Yates Blood and Guts.
INTRA (2 scoop of EAA’s, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Chicken breast and sweet chilli sauce.
Fried beef (rump steak) stir fry with beansprouts, cabbage, carrot, pepper, onion and sweetcorn.
Cottage cheese and black grapes.
DNP will always make the body look like flat nothing dog shit! But, as you know, the hypercompensation of glycogen in the muscles you’ll get after you stop will look absolutely insane after 3 days. I only get intracellular water from HGH. You and I are both on the same black tops so they should only make you look more full and vascular. DNP is mental hell! 🔥
Last time I used DNP I couldn’t function at work. I was raging mad non stop at people who complained about the air conditioner being set way too cold while I’m drenched in sweat. Those slow metabolism cunts!!! 😂
I have been ok with the dnp so far. The hgh makes me super tired though. HGH has always does this to me but I am purposely sticking to 5iu per day for the next 2 weeks. Today I have had no energy whatsoever. I took 100mg caffeine just to take Flex on a walk :o I could sleep all day but going to get through the day. Yes the HGH is making me fuller but the black tops always make me hold water everywhere.

I do this for fun but I don’t mind suffering a little as it’s only for a short time and I like to do these experiments on myself. I am going to fast 1 day as well for a variety of reasons but the main one is getting as depleted as possible. The rebound will be a thing of beauty 😃

I bet you used at least 3x my dnp dose so no wonder you felt so bad 😃 Most people don’t understand the compound and think it’s just poison but it can have many health benefits. The only thing I have to watch out for are possible reactions and that’s why I now always use an anti-histamine when using it. The last time I used 400mg after a few days I woke up and my eyelid had enlarged massively due to a severe allergic reaction. I looked like Will Smith in the film Hitch 😃

Today has been a rest day but I will be training legs tomorrow. My knees have been really bad recently mainly due to joint pain from the hgh. After I squatted last week I could barely walk and they have hurt badly just standing up and going up/down stairs so I won’t be doing any heavy quad movements. Legs will be hams, glutes, adductors and calves hit very hard and quads will just be some light weight leg press and leg extensions to get a great pump.
I did low doses of DNP. I never pushed it high. It’s unnecessary and dangerous! I did one capsule which was 250-300mg.
I’ve only had one cheat meal in 9 weeks. Today my protein shakes taste incredible so a cheat meal will be nice. I’ve had almost no sense of taste in forever probably because of the 5 week Covid I had in January. A pizza and Doritos plus skittles, and chocolate will be a nice feast. 😀
Since upping to 2 caps of DNP I had a mild stomach ache today. I skipped my AM dose today but will take one PM and one tomorrow morning and carry on as usual. The one night I kept my window shut I woke up soaked in sweat as well so it’s definitely staying open tonight. I only shut the window because some idiot was setting fireworks off at 2am and Flex was barking [image]

I am using up some test amps I had so my test dose has been 250mg recently and my eq dose 240mg. I have test e on the way so I will go back to 300mg when I get that. I was going through all my stuff and have 5 vials of NPP so after a TRT break post holiday I will probably blast with test e, eq and npp. If I do that I will just do every 3 days again because I cant be bothered doing more frequently. The frequent syntheselen shots have given me some very mild pip recently so I will welcome the break from pinning.

I was getting bad joint pain (mainly knees and hips) after restarting hgh and when I trained legs last time my knees were really bad afterwards. I have been progressing smith squats recently and I pushed it hard (failed at the bottom) and lifted more than usual and they felt good but after the set was knees were a mess. That’s why I just done pumps sets to finish on leg extensions. Since then I have struggled to walk and get up/down stairs so I took 2 days off and I modified my training today. It was basically as hard as possible with a more ham focused session with some very light pump sets for quads and it went great…

Standing Calf Raises… 2 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises… 2 working sets.
Leg Press Calf Presses… 1 working set.
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls… 5 reps for each leg moving up 1 pin/plate each set until I could not get 5 reps.
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts… 2 working sets (db’s go up to 50kg so I used those and with a straight/stiff leg so less glute and more ham and they were shaking so 2 good sets).
Seated Leg Curls… 1 working set (brutal).
Hip Abductor supersetted with Hip Adductors… 1 working set.
Leg Press… 2 pump sets of very high reps with only 1PPS.
Leg Extensions… variety of pump sets going left, right and both.
Sled Pushes… many sets of complete torture.

I added the sled pushes today for something different. I wasn’t planning to do many sets but ended up doing them for approx 30 mins so I was destroyed. It’s not a long track but I push from high one way then low (much harder) the next way. I just kept adding plates every set. I could fit 160kg on there then my mate sat on top of it so approx 270kg in total.

5 Whole eggs, 1 piece of toast (drizzled with avocado oil) and blueberries.
Chicken breast, salad and a pink lady apple.

3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen with 2 scoops of Dorian Yates Blood and Guts.
INTRA (2 scoop of EAA’s, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
Sirloin steak, garden peas and sweetcorn.
Fried beef (rump steak) stir fry with beansprouts, cabbage, carrot, peppers and onion.
0% FAGE yoghurt with 2 scoops of EAA’s (pink pig flavour) and strawberries.

I usually have an off day after training legs but I will see how I feel tomorrow as I may do PULL if I am feeling good.
The DNP is drying out your knees.
Do a sustanon, deca, Anadrol cycle and your knees will feel great!
HGH actually makes my joints feel incredibly better. I guess it’s because you’re young and I’m old so my body reacts differently to HGH. I produce zero HGH naturally, and I never sleep more than a few minutes at a time so I get zero stage 3 sleep. Last night I got 13 hours sleep but I got up a dozen times to pee and get more water, and I tossed and turned lord knows how many times. HGH is my fountain of youth.
For me it’s not the dnp it’s the hgh. Once I upped the dose (before using dnp) I had horrible joint pain especially my knees and hips. Another thing that always effects my joints is AI usage but now I am only using aromasin infrequently as I prefer to use as little as possible. The HGH also gave me gyno. I haven’t had gyno for a very long time and 1 day after upping the dose I had bad gyno that hurt.

Now I am moving along nicely though. I got rid of the gyno and my joints are feeling better. I just feel tired all the time but that’s to be expected because I always struggle on HGH and this time round I am dieting on much lower calories and taking dnp so I could sleep all day if I wanted.

I will stop DNP tomorrow but carrying on hgh for a few more days but when I come back from my holiday I may just leave it out as I am more productive off it. I am going to let the water retention fall off then load up on carbs. One good thing is the added synthetine and syntheselen (plus occasional cialis) has really helped my look and made me more vascular so when I bring carbs back in and my muscles fill out that final look should be decent.

I should send you a stack of supplements that will really help with your sleep. Definitely worth trying out. A few that would be fantastic are ZMA, melatonin, glycine and GABA to be taken all before bed. They should help you relax and sleep easier, get you into deep sleep much faster and keep you in deep sleep for longer and give you some magical dreams 😃 There are others but I think that combo would suit you well.
Send me GHB 😀
I kind of like my sleep. I have extremely vivid dreams that seem more real than real life. Most are nightmares but they’re exciting. They only last minutes but my brain fills in all the gaps so it feels like it’s my real life. One of my final dreams before waking up was we were under alien invasion. Our fighter jets were fighting their’s and I was running from the jet’s 50 caliber gun fire. The aliens swarmed me. They had wiggley things like snails have on their face, and they had spikey hair like stingers that popped out of their arms like a bee’s stinger. They had bee’s eyes but humanoid in all respects. They injected me with their neurotoxins from their hair like stingers that killed me. Before I died I kept asking them to teach me about their species instead of killing me. They all laughed then I died. 🐝 🐌 👨
I have finished the DNP. The day after stopping I fasted all day and had a day off the gym but went on a few decent walks. The day I fasted made a massive difference to my stomach and it’s the first day it hasn’t protruded in ages [image] I don’t fast regularly but try to fit 1 day in every so often. I have trained hard every other day. Training volume has been high and I have been adding in harder warm up sets which I discussed in the past. Obviously you don’t want to do too much “fluff” and you mainly just want those effective reps in there but I believe over time when performing more effective/hard reps it can lead to a harder and more mature look to the muscle. I really enjoyed my training today…

Seated Calf Raises… 2 working sets.

DB Lateral Raises… 2 working sets.
Seated DB Shoulder Press… 2 working sets.
Incline Bench DB Y Raises… 5 working sets with approx 30 secs rest between sets.

DB Chest Flyes… 2 working sets.
Smith Press… 2 working sets.
Pec Deck… 5 working sets with approx 30 secs rest between sets.

Incline Bench DB Skull Crushers… 1 working set.
Overhead EZ Bar Extensions… 2 working sets (went up to 30kg per side).
Tri-cep Pushdowns… 5 working sets with approx 30 secs rest between sets.

Abs and stretches.

4 Whole eggs, 1 piece of toast (drizzled with avocado oil) and blueberries.
Oats, whey protein (sticky toffee pudding flavour), banana and almond milk.

3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen with 1.5 scoops of Dorian Yates Blood and Guts.
INTRA (2 scoop of EAA’s, 10g glutamine and 5g taurine).
350g (12oz) Sirloin steak.
Chicken breast and houmous.
0% FAGE yoghurt with 2 scoops of EAA’s (pink pig flavour) and raspberries.

Tomorrow I will start adding carbs back in mainly in the form of jasmine/basmati rice and pineapple. I am also going to add some pancakes to go with my breakfast. Training will be legs and I will follow a similar plan to what I done today.