T bol and test enanthate run!!

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Well-known member
Whats up this seems kinda weird! Been running test enanthate at trt levels or a little higher right now 350 mg split then threw on some t bol at 50 mg split going on 2 weeks now completely killed my appetite my blood pressure actually went down which blows my mind cause one of the sides is higher blood pressure but that’s good but anyway I’m solid asf but have no drive I’m assuming due to lack of calories this is my second run with t bol anyone else experience
That’s like me with EQ,alls you hear is appetite Increase,but alls I hear is blah fucking blah,increase my ass.
Gesh it wasn’t nearly as lively around here without you! Hahaha glad you could make it!
Your partially right,at that point in my life,I wasn’t training as hard,didn’t write nothin down,had no routine,diet was horrible,didn’t know shit.
I’ve been on the front porch since I got up talking on here, brought a coffee out,bottle a water,the flea bags,and you guessed it a joint
I have similar problems with TBOL. I have no appetite at all. I can deal with it for about 4 weeks.
My last run was with much better. TEST Cyp/NPP/ and TBOL at 25mg. . Happy with the results.
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