SB Labs

T3 causes and increase in SHBG


ICU nurse/Moderator

Came across this after receiving some blood work on my wife. Her total Test was high while her free test was “low” in comparison to her total t level. She had taken some t3 for a brief time, her physician aware and supporting her. She’s been on the same TRT dose for sometime with hardly any problems, then all of a sudden acne flared up, emotions were haywire, any oral compound made her acne way worse, and she just felt “off”.

Well. Y’all know I’m a nurse and I do my best to support my medical brothers and sisters best I can, while knowing the system is broke and it needs help. Her doc has grown confident in managing women’s hormones and completely failed to understand that t3 was the culprit. It will significantly increase SHBG which leads to less free T and much higher estrogen levels. And… voila. We have the culprit.

I know there aren’t many here using t3 for weight loss, but knowledge is power. If you’re using t3, make sure to plan appropriately with a compound that will neutralize your increase in SHBG.

This goes to reinforce the idea that we’re all here to learn and be safe. Not everyone knows everything, but together we can use the knowledge we pick up along the way to help each other.

Love ya my UGM fam. Stay safe and pick up heavy shit and put it back down.
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NeuroRN said:
Her doc has grown confident in managing women’s hormones and completely failed to understand that t3 was the culprit. It will significantly increase SHBG which leads to less free T and much higher estrogen levels. And… voila. We have the culprit.
Tunnel vision right her doc should be reading these studies especially its pubmed.

I agree things are broken. Is there a way to fix it though without changing everything?
I wonder what it would really take to fix the medical system.

This is an amazing post and great on your part for finding the issue and helping your wife.
NeuroRN said:
This goes to reinforce the idea that we’re all here to learn and be safe. Not everyone knows everything, but together we can use the knowledge we pick up along the way to help each other.
This is so true and a great outlook at ugmuscle
We all get tunnel vision. Even at the bedside. It’s why we have charge nurses who aren’t intimately involved with our patients so they can step in the room and see the whole picture in case we get lost in the details. So I totally get it.

I genuinely don’t know. It’s so convoluted and so many of this then that’s with the system. If I could figure it out I’d run for president haha
Yeah its definitely not an easy answer at all especially because health care continues to expand and become bigger
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