Testosterone no ester and anxiety

The base definitely makes me feel anxious, I use it pre dead lift workout and am able to channel that anxiousness to angriness at the bar and I feel it helps to mentally charge for the heavier lifts.
Actually no PIP. Kind of tingled a little pushing in. I feel like it hits me instantly but that might be from pinning 100mg. I can always taste it every time. I’ve never had an issue with PIP except for when pinning with half inch.
Holy crap. Never knew that existed. I need something pre workout. This Tren makes me really need to fight at the gym cause I get exhausted after every set I do. Any recommendations?
@Rusty. Let us know what your cycle consists of and I am sure these guys can offer some help with inter set exhaustion…
Thank you. I’m on 500mg of Test E. And may add in the 200mg Tren E in about three weeks.
Always curious about those PWO base injects. I know winny and a few others that are crippling so I was curious to know.
@Jobie5 @Ominous @Dirtnasty @Dmomuchole @John @NeuroRN. Sorry was having nice night out with old lady. She can’t drink until her court date so we had fun sober. Lol. I am running .50 Tren A .50 test P ED. Micro dosing. Just started. Was same dose before but eod so double. Then hgh 20 iu five days on 2 days off. Then hcg 1000 iu eod. Then cialis Ed the Anastrozole twice per week then proviron 50 mg Ed. Anavar 25 mg twice per day.

Results good but have to fight hard to get good work out and sweat like a mofo. Which I understand and don’t mind. Just when I do a set it is extreme. Either light weight to fail or heavy weight with maybe one or two reps left in tank so when I finish am breathing hard and want to go home. I continue anyways because I know it’s just Tren taking my endurance away. Problem is it takes me longer between sets and I hate having to convince myself to keep going. I want the feeling of NPP to say fuck off weights I am not done killing you yet!!!
Hey @Rusty.

Is the .5 test giving you 50 mg or 100 mg?

If it’s 50 maybe add another .25 or .5 to get to 700 mg a week

A good rule of measure is 1500 mg or so, for experienced more, of total juice a week.

Also. Not sure when you workout, but if in am,you may look at moving the hgh to after workout.

I am at 2.5 am, fasted workout, the lunch post workout another 2.5 and it’s clean and good. Also be sure hgh is from a good legit source, sometimes the generics can cause a lot of exhaustion. I have experienced this and since changing to our verified sourced have not had that exhaustion.