Testosterone no ester and anxiety

Yeah it can lead to problems when the temporary Strength boost hits along with the energy and you think your King Kong
So what about a pre workout gear? For a boost? There was talk a while ago about some mixture someone came up with that is back again and everyone got excited about it? Forgot what it’s called.
Your numbers aren’t to low, maybe if anything I would up the test, but how long you been runnin those numbers for so far?
Just increased to those numbers a week and a half ago prior to that it was the same thing but only half the amount of Tren
No I believe that is fine. 1500mg a month is not a good idea at all that would be like taking a gram or 1000mg of testosterone plus 500mg of decca.
Unless you are a pro bber this isn’t a cycle for a guy like me or you the only advantage is that you will be dealing with side effects that aren’t necessary. Plus heart and breathing issues in the future you will be using a cpap to sleep at night.
Risk vs reward just isn’t there unless you are getting paid for your body. You can achieve the same goals with much less gear.
I remember reading a post in one of the sponsors have some special pre-workout mixture I think it was laser in the name of the concoction with something like earthquake or hurricane or a volcano something crazy like that
Agreed about health. I just feel like I’ve hit a wall when I’m working out. If I did up the test a little bit if that would help how much would I up at
There’s a post about a guy that found his optimal test dose and found he felt more energetic and overall better sense of well being on a lower dose then he was running. You may feel better if you lower your dose rather then upping it you might feel like shit. If it were me I’d lower the tren and up the test a little. Just what I would do.
If you hit a wall working out change your routine and keep switching it up also look into your diet almost all plateaus come from the diet. Upping your gear isn’t a good idea to clear a plateau. It will cause injuries and side effects. It will probably push you past your limits sure but limits are there to protect your body from injury.

Im sorry not upset with you just giving you legit advice because the type of advice that’s being said is src advice. They of course want you to take as much as possible because that’s what they do that information was probably written by a src somewhere and then posted here just a heads up brother. I believe that you are doing great.
When I was on NPP I was running 750 per week test E. And 300 of NPP I felt like the Incredible Hulk in the gym. Now I am on 300 but it is test P with a much faster ester.