SB Labs

That one guy

There will always be that one guy in the gym who throws the dumbbells on the floor after his routine for others to pick. Then busts out of the scene like, “yeah, I aint picking that one up”

Cant stand people that can not act like a fucking human being. I have a bad habit of hitting people like that. It has gotten me in trouble I don’t reccomend that route.
😒 😒 😒 😒 😒
By far my biggest pet peeve… hunters and gatherers…😒

or when the squat rack has weights sprinkled everywhere 😵😤
i think more and more people are resorting to a home gym…
I’ve been thinking more and more about this and will probably follow through on it once I settle down… into a bigger house

good investment 👍
@eternick170, wow that’s a nice idea! Why haven’t I thought of that before… A home gym is really great for starters like me because you can’t reason that you can’t go to the gym for whatever reason that you invented. HAHA 😃

Though I may start with the small equipment since I don’t have much space at home.

Just to give you guys a few pointers:
  • Talk to individuals who are actually going from a larger home to a condo/studio/apartment and were once active with a home gym. Many of them are willing to give away their equipment if you help haul the material away.
  • Also, look for fathers who have just had children and want to devote more time to their family. As manipulative as this sounds, you can easily talk them out of getting rid of their home gym because many of them won’t have time to workout as much.
  • Finally, find individuals who have given up on working out with their home gym because they cannot obtain results. They are looking for a reason to get rid of the constant reminder of their failure.
I have pieced together my 25s, 30s, and 35s lbs. pairs of dumbbells, olympic bar, set of 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 45 plates, and weight bench with leg extension, preacher curl attachment, and squat section for $390 total.
You can easily make the $ back within one year, especially with how much gym memberships cost these days. Plus, the other perks make working out more enjoyable to look forward to: no commute, no waiting for racks/weights/dumbbells/etc., immediate shower afterward, ZERO excuse to workout.

Hopefully, you obtaining a larger house is soon. Start saving $ after your home purchase.
Im extremely lucky I have a home gym but I still need to go to the gym because I don’t have all the equipment i need. It is a great investment
Dang, I was thinking about supplementing my exercises by doing the same thing, but I simply do not have the financial resources to maintain gym membership. I just look for alternative workouts to stimulate the muscle even if it is complex calisthenics (which I loathe when compared to the benefits of weights). But hey, something is better than nothing.
Thats the textbook on getting good home equipment lol
I love it
Craigslist will have hidden gems that people just want you to take away from there house free I keep an eye out for those
You are welcome @Kunt. If you seek any more pointers, feel free to PM me at any time. Also have other resources like how to obtain books, articles on lifting programs.
I am more than happy to contribute. If I think of anything else, it would be my pleasure to recall more information. If you have a particular idea, do not hesitate to PM me and ask. I have no problem being open to helping others who do not want to broadcast their desires by posting.
And to make matters better, even if individuals are selling their equipment, it is usually the equipment that got taken once a gym started to liquidate their assets. You can get brand new looking or fairly used dumbbells for only 50c - 75c a pound, both with poly’ coating or iron. They usually have a variety that fits everyone’s needs.